Saturday, April 10, 2010

babies are cool

I'm sitting here waiting for the baby to wake up. Funny that she decided NOW is a good time to nap! Considering I have a TON of stuff to do and she NEVER takes long naps these days. Bah.

Tabby's getting "bathtized"next weekend! That's how Izzy pronounces it. Not sure why she can't say BAP, but it's adorable so we won't even try to correct her. My last babe to get baptized. I am so happy, and so sad at the same time. Super emotional about all these "firsts" for her, but "lasts" for me. We gave away all the 0-6 month clothes and baby paraphernalia that we could find that we will never use, or need again. Swing, gone. Baby bouncer, gone. Baby bathtub, gone. (Insert tears here) She's such a little peanut, I loooooove her so much. Totally get the whole, BABY thing now. She's always going to be MY BABY. The little one, the last one, the youngest one. So blessed to have her here. She's totally completed our little family.

So now, it's me and D just figuring out how to raise all these crazy kids. Each one is totally different, totally unique, totally... awesome. It's very entertaining to watch the 3 little ones interact. Avery is such the little dominator. Already defending herself just like her mama. Izzy's the drama queen, and Tabby's the quiet one that just sits and stares at her crazy sisters like, "Oh man, I am sooo going to be the good one." I can hear Tabby now "duuuude mom's going to killlll you two!"

I can't wait. It's going to be so funny.