Papers. Little wadded up papers. ALL OVER MY DRYER.
Normally, this is my fault. I tend to keep tissue in my pockets, because I HAVE BOOGER RIDDEN CHILDREN. And inevitably the tissue or whatever else go through the wash because I don't check pockets before I do laundry. So for once (I hope you're reading this dear, husband) it wasn't my paper! Apparently now I know how he feels because I was really irritated for a second.
And then I saw a little piece of the wadded up paper with my handwriting and I knew what it was...
About a month ago when Izzy went on her trip to Grampa's house, I had written her a note and stuffed it in her suitcase for her to find it. I can't remember exactly what I wrote, but the little pieces I found said, proud, love you, will miss you.
And my almost 6 year old, found that note in her luggage, stuffed it in her tiny little shorts pocket, and it stayed there for a month. Until the STUPID washer and dryer washed it, fluffed it, then wadded it up and spit it out!
(Insert tears here)
I guess I'll start checking pockets now.