Sunday, November 6, 2011


Sometimes I really want to shake my child and yell: YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO AMOUNT TO ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T EAT YOUR VEGETABLES!!!!!

But that would be wrong... right?!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


At the end of this month, D and I will be married for 9 years.  NINE years.  It seems so long.  And we're not even old!  We got married young!  I'm still trying to figure out how that happened so fast.  Lived in 4 places, dealt with a teenager, had 3 kids, went through a lot of crap, and some seriously amazing amazing wonderful times.  And the most wonderful part, the good outweighs the bad 100 fold.  I swear.  I'm sure that's why we work so well.  Because no matter how crappy, we can over come it and it just gets better.  It is truly amazing.  Never thought I could be so happy with one person.  It's so cliche!

Watching our friends, and family members go through tumultuous relationships, and ultimately get divorced I think has actually made us work harder at our relationship.  Not because we don't want to end up like them, but well, yes! Because we don't want to end up like them!  Everyone thinks that marriage is easy and you just sit back and pick your nose and if it works then it works.  It's just not true.  It's sometimes nasty knock down drag out fights, cries, screams, time alone, talking, lots of talking, and working on ourselves and our relationship.  It's just not that we got lucky.  Seriously.  It's that we give a shit.  Because when you don't give a shit, you get just that; shit. 

I'm trying to figure out what to do for our anniversary.  We trade off years so that we both get a chance to plan our anniversaries.  It's fun.  I learned that little tid bit from my parents.  We like to take a little time to ourselves, nothing big.  Although D would probably like to go a way for more than 2 nights without the kids.  I can't do that yet.  I'm a big weenie.  So it'll be something... I've got a little something up my sleeve.  And, it's the day before Thanksgiving so we'll be going early.  

But I think I'll try to make this a month long celebration.  Because really, we are amazing.  And I love love love that husband of mine.  I am a lucky girl.  I can't wait for another 9 years of bliss, and then one day we'll look back and it'll be 59 years of bliss.  Happy!!