Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oooohhhh what's that sound???

Call it some sick sadistic personality disorder, but I love the sound of a good siren. It could be the fact that we live in a relatively small town where excitement is few and far between. My ears perk up at the low roar of the firetrucks driving down the busy boulevard next to my house. I look at FFP and we wait. There's the next one. Oh, oh there's the chief's car! It must be something good! I being the nerd that I am, jump on the computer and pull up our dispatch's website. Ohhh structure fire! FUN!

I know what you're thinking. LOSER! Hey, I know. It's like being a little kid!

I wonder if the excitement of the siren has anything to do with FFP? My husband. The Firefighter/Paramedic. In my blogs now he'll forever be known as FFP. What a label. It's a great one dang it and he worked LONG and hard to get it. So I honor the label and honor him for doing what he loves to do. I think after 9 grueling years of filling out applications, taking written and physical agility tests over and over, the interviews, the disappointment of getting the "We regret to inform you..." letters, it is such a wonderful thing to see him finally reach his goal. It just goes to show that patience really does prevail in the end. He's the inspiration to never give up on your dream.

I wonder if I'd feel the same way about that siren if I knew he was on that engine? I think the fear would outweigh the excitement tenfold. Luckily I will never hear his engine go out on a call because he's not working in our town. I remember when he was working on that ambulance in the city of death... as I like to call it! I would cringe in the morning watching the news to see if his ambulance appeared. He worked night shifts and in the city of death, the night shift is where all the nasty gory disgusting traumas happened. His old colleagues called him the "trauma jumper." He would prey on the radio just waiting to pounce on a shooting or nasty car wreck so that he could have his moment of glory. That's his nature. He lives to be the hero, hence the FFP job! He has rubbed off on the 3 year old who now says she wants to be a trauma surgeon when she grows up. Sick!

I love him. He's really awesome.


Giddy. said...

bwahahaha! Your kid rocks.

Mike said...

We're proud of your FFP too. If it just weren't for that Raider thing...
You go blogger girl!

Crystal said...

Your husband's job does not go unappreciated. It's a wonderful profession.