Friday, November 14, 2008

Time out!

I have writers block or something. I have so much going on in my head it's impossible to pick ONE topic and talk, write, or contemplate for a second. What has gotten into me?

It could be the teenager who is suffering from her own self esteem issues and is making my head spin every day at the thought of her harming herself...

It could be the 4 year old who is acting out a whole lot more all of a sudden because: daddy's been at home less? Needs more attention? Needs a new calm brain? Who knows!


It could be that baby thing that I love so much who is stuck to me like static cling. Seriously. I used to laugh at the stay-at-home-moms who said they didn't have time to take a shower because the baby wouldn't LET them. Uhhh... seriously SHE WON'T LET ME. I'm lucky to steal a minute to pee by myself before she comes busting through the door pulling on my legs. If you could imagine me PUSHING the shower door closed with one hand, pouring shampoo on my knee so that I can sweep it up with the other hand to put in my hair, the while the baby standing there pulling on the door SCREAMING bloody murder at me because I'm holding it shut. That was this morning in a nutshell.

Imagine taking a shower like that. Fun? Not so much. I'd rather NOT take a shower and be called the smelly mom!

I've created a monster. An I-love-my-mommy-so-much-that-I-can't-let-her-out-of-my-sight- for-a-second-MONSTER!

I know it's just a phase, but it's one that I could pretty much do without EVER AGAIN! And when is it over? Because seriously... ick.

I love my kids and all, but mommy needs a time out!

Sunday, November 2, 2008


October FLEW by. I'm so glad too because we had so much happening it was crazy.

Last weekend was my 10 year high school reunion and can I just say how proud I am! My friend from high school and I took it upon ourselves to plan the dang thing pretty much by ourselves for the past 6 or 7 months. At one point we nearly canceled the event for lack of participation! Luckily our classmates pulled through and we had a fantastic turnout! I only got positive feedback from everyone so it was a great confidence booster! I had such a good time, and it felt really good to know that my efforts and those of my co-planner Diana were well worth it.

I'm thinking this whole wanting to be an event planner is really a good idea now. I felt so inspired by the reunion I'm thinking I'm just going to go for it and apply for my business license and see what happens. I had so much fun planning, budgeting, organizing, being a dork... it was exhilarating! I was totally in my element. D thought it was hysterical to watch, but he said he could tell how happy I was to be using my strengths.

Very exciting. I've been looking for something to kick me in the butt. I think I got it now. I'm feeling confident, but not overzealous. It's a new adventure!!!!