Monday, September 21, 2009

Quick update.

Tabitha is 8 weeks old today. WOW. Weird how she's not really two months old until next Monday, but whatever. You know there's 52 weeks in a year right? :) She's just the coolest baby. So happy, so calm, so... just awesome. Makes my job a lot easier. I'm just smitten. Smitten kitten. I love it. As I sit here typing Tabby is happily staring at the Barefoot Contessa and kicking her feet in the air on the floor. Such a good baby.

We're finally getting into the swing of kindergarten with Izzy, and dropping G at school on the way, and picking up, and who's doing what, when, where, how... oh if ONLY a certain teenager would get her freakin license so that we don't have to drive her all over town! But I'm not complaining or anything! I've got this new gig... PTA mom. Yeah, yeah... insert the word dork on my forehead. It's actually really fun! It's sort of nice to be involved in my kid's school and have a roll in what happens there. I have always done the staff appreciation stuff at G's school, but I actually have a Board position at Izzy's school. I went to my first council meeting last week. It's a wonderful thing to be in a community where people are so concerned about what happens in our district. I've heard terrible things from other people in some surrounding cities like "What's PTA?" Whaaaat? Umm ok.

Izzy started playing soccer, and let's just say... well she hates it. I mean seriously. She gets excited for about 5 minutes and then pouts and cries and sits on the sidelines. Ick. So far two games in a row she's done this. It's funny, but it's not. Not sure how to handle it exactly. We're trying something different this weekend and hopefully she'll do better. I think she'll do better at DRAMA!

Avery will be 2 years old next month. Can you believe it!? TWO! Insane. She's such a sweet kid. Such a little lover like her daddy. Makes me so happy.

And G is... well G is a teenager and while I'd like to say something positive, I'd be lying right now so I'll say nothing! She's trying, and I'm trying not to be so negative. Just UGH! That's all.

D is wonderful. He's just a wonderful husband. So supportive, and so sweet. Could not have asked for a better dude.

(And oh my gosh whatever Ina Garten just made looks sooo yummy!)

I'm multitasking!

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