Thursday, June 3, 2010


Um, what just happened?

5 more school days, and Izzy will be done with kindergarten! 5 more school days, and G will be done with JUNIOR YEAR! Holy crap! I'm going to have a 1st grader and a SENIOR in HIGH SCHOOL in my house in a few months!

Oh. My.

I seriously can't believe it. Tabby will be ONE next month! What the hell? It's like a hand, and hair standing up straight, and WOOSH! CRAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!

Izzy had an outstanding kindergarten year. I was so impressed with her teacher this year, I asked her to teach 1st grade so that I'd know Izzy was in good hands. She laughed. I wasn't kidding. I've been doing a lot of volunteering at her school. D too. We love it. It keeps us busy, and keeps us in the know and known around school. I like that. I wish more parents got involved, but to each his own.

G has had a better year this go around. I'm hoping she really shines senior year. I really want to see her do good things after high school and I'm getting a tad worried that she's just not prepared to go out in the real world. She has definitely come a long way. I remember like it was yesterday, pulling up in front of D's old house, and out walked a little girl in a plaid skirt, polo shirt and pony tail. I drove her to kindergarten that day.

I can't believe I'm going to do that again 3 more times. Wow.