Monday, October 4, 2010


We bought a house. I forgot to mention it since all I've been doing is signing my name to 800 different pieces of paper and getting insurance, and doing all this crap and just going insane!!!

The whole experience is frickin exhaustingly painfully awful! I don't even know how people do this all the time! It's just crazy. I'm sure I'll be happy once we're in the house, but right now the whole thing is soooo scary! I hate hate hate dealing with money, talking about money, just ick ick ick.

The house is amazinnnnnnng. It needs work, it's got a pool, it's in a great location, it needs work, it's amazing! Did I mention it needs work? But it's perfect. Perfect for us, and perfect that we didn't need to move an hour and a half away to be able to buy the house we wanted. It's amazing. I just wish all this paperwork would magically fill itself out and that we could just move now!

I'm so going to miss this house. 6 and a half years we've lived here. I brought all 3 babies home to this house. I watched all 3 babies crawl for the firs time, take their first steps... ugh I'm going to cry. Izzy's learned how to ride her bike on this street. We had countless hours in the community pool with all the girls. Our neighbors have shared birthdays with us, porch chats, Christmas decorating wars, so much stuff... It's so bittersweet. They are all so happy for us, but so sad that we are leaving. We are too!

I need a cry break now...

I have to take a cry break now...

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