Wednesday, May 21, 2008

What's a half-truth?

What the hell is a half truth? It's not the truth, and it's not a lie... or is it?

The average liar tells 88,000 lies in their whole life. I think that's a pretty low number. If I counted my own lies from now until I die, I wonder if I'd get more than that. I'm not a good liar. I crack under pressure. Anyone who knows me can tell the second I start fabricating. I mostly lie to my mom because I hate upsetting her. I tell her everything is fine, even when it's not, and even though I KNOW she can see right through my bluff. She never calls me out though. She waits for me to tell her what's really going on, because she knows I will. I can't keep stuff from my mom. I don't think I know how.

For the most part though, I'm like Avery from Jerry Maguire. I'm all about the brutal truth. I know it's painful, and sometimes unnecessary, but who am I not to be anything but honest. I try to be nice, but it never really works out that way. I just don't like lying to people. I think it's unfair and it's just not a characteristic I care for. Maybe that's why I love the name Avery so much. That character was great!

Half truths... really piss me off. Why are you going to sit there and tell me part of the story but either omit some parts, or totally fabricate the rest? What is the POINT OF THAT??? It's like giving me half an apple, and then switching the other half for a banana to see if I'll notice. Dude, I notice! They don't even go together! Either tell me the whole truth, or just lie to me all together. In the end, the lie or half-truth only makes ME look like the idiot. When someone lies to me, they are basically saying " I don't trust you enough to tell you what is actually happening." Quite the slap in the face if you ask me.

Half truths are a vicious cycle....

1 comment:

Christina said...

Sounds like someone hasn't been telling you the truth! I feel the same way.