Friday, October 24, 2008


D picked up an overtime shift today to cover stations. His crew is sending one of their engines to a local firefighter's funeral this morning. 27 years old. He didn't die in the line of duty, but none the less, is still a hero. Makes me so sad for his family.

Days like this make me remember how much I have to be grateful for...

Monday, October 20, 2008

I have a freakin ONE year old...


A year has FLOWN by.

My baby. My little tiny baby with whom I've been home with EVERY day for the past year, and even before when she was in my belly... is ONE! WOW.

It's so much different than Izzy. It's almost guilty different.

When Izzy was born, I only had 11 weeks of maternity leave and then I had to go back to work. We were in no position to be able to afford me staying home, and frankly it never even entered my mind. I worked close by my parents house, so I'd come home for lunch and nurse her and play with her, and then go back to work only to pick her up 4 hours later. Every day for 3 years I did this with Izzy. D was home a lot more than I was at the time and he was the one that took care of her. He did doctor's appointments, he took her to Gymboree, he did everything with her. I watched from the sidelines, and only heard about it on the phone, or saw the pictures. I was ok with it because I didn't know any better. I think my mom pretended like all of Izzy's "firsts" were only when I was there. I never questioned it.

Then I got pregnant again with Avery when Izzy was two and a half, and... I got laid off. Honestly. The BEST thing that ever happened to me. I got to wind down my pregnancy with Izzy at home with me every day. We got to bond a little bit before Avery stepped in. I got to take Izzy to her first day of pre school, and I just got to be there for her.

Then the baby came and I was the smitten kitten. I had a little mini me. She was so calm, so easy, so happy. So the OPPOSITE of what I remembered Izzy was when she was itty bitty. She slept, she ate, slept again, only cried when she needed to be changed, and really pretty much is still this way. But this time, I got to BE there. I didn't have to run back to my crappy job, because D was doing so great at the ambulance job, and he was right in the middle of interviewing for his now fire job. I got to be a full time mom. I never thought I'd love it so much.

It's almost like I feel guilty. Like Izzy missed out on mommy not being home with her. But then again, Izzy got a special piece of daddy. She got her stay at home daddy. I think that's why she's so conflicted now when he goes to work. She's so used to dad, she gets all gurfuffled when he leaves her. She tells me all the time that I need to go back to work so daddy can stay home with her. Poor thing.

I seriously can't believe it's been a year since my little Avery came. She's got my looks, and her daddy's laid back attitude. Maybe that's why we get along so well. She's my little cuddle bug, always smiling, always chatting away in her baby gabber, and just hanging out laughing at Izzy. I love it. It's SO much fun watching her and Izzy mesh together. I can see where their conflicts are going to be already. But I can see how much they complement each other like D and I complement eachother. G just loves Avery. She makes funny faces at her and always tells her how cute she is. Avery loves to stand in her doorway and dance. It's pretty funny. The girls are just so fun to watch. I really love being at home with them to take care of them and keep them happy and healthy. It's kinda cheezy, but it's great.

Now all I need is a boy. Just because it would be so fun to have a rambunctious little man to intermix with all the crazy girls. Heck, another girl would be fine too, but a boy would be sooooooooo cool!

I'm very content. I totally want to finish school and start my own business, but I'm not in a hurry. I'm busy being a MOM! What a nerd!

Good god, I have a ONE year old! I'm getting old fast!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


October is INSANE! This weekend is action packed with birthday parties. Next weekend, THE REUNION, and then Halloween and Homecoming for G the following weekend.

I'm so happy it's almost over...

In between all that fun, I've got to either win the lotto, find a part time job, or stop paying my credit card bills so we can have food and not run around outdoors naked. Decisions, decisions!

Oh and I bought that evil key. I had no choice. Leaving the stupid car unlocked was not an option.

It's almost over, it's almost over...

Oh but I'll have a ONE YEAR OLD on Sunday! YAY!!!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yeah.... really? THAT small thing?

So you know that key to my car that I was cursing this week...

I called the lovely dealer to get a new one thinking it would be quick and painless.

Dealer dude: "Uhh yeah you have to make an appointment with our service department, and then to replace the key it's $135 bucks, and another $85 to program the key."

Me: "What exactly am I paying $85 dollars to program a KEY to do? Magic?"

Dealer dude: "Uhhh no ma'am... just to disable the alarm and open your door.... so uhh... when can we make you an appointment?"

Me: "Seriously... I don't have $200 to spend on ONE TINY FRICKIN KEY! I'll have to get back to you when my neighbors start calling the cops on me for disturbing the peace with my alarm!"

So NOT quick, and oh SO painful!

Curse that tiny evil key!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Love thy neighbor...

And I do. I really do. I love ALL my neighbors, well except for two because they are hermits.

A few days ago my car was acting all nutty. It was very mad at me because it was thirsty for some oil. So it wouldn't start. Some automatic shut off thing engaging for my "safety." So D goes, gets oil, quenches the indignant car's thirst and it's happy again. Fantastic. I go to push the little button on my key to lock and alarm the car, and nothing. No honk like normal, just nothing. After beating the button to death, D pushes his button on HIS key, and the car locks. Great. OK. Maybe my key was just taking lessons from indignant car and will work tomorrow.

Not the case... at all.

As I'm hustling my butt to get Izzy and the baby in the car to get Izzy to school on time the next morning, I discover that stupid button on my key apparently really IS dead and not just pissed at me. Crap. So I unlock the car manually and open the door. Bwooop bwooop bwooop. OH Shiiiit. Shh shhh! Crap Crap Crap!!! I thought if I put the key in the ignition that the magic noise would stop. I swear it got louder. So I'm standing in my garage at 8:45 am crying because I can't get my alarm to stop going off.

I go inside to call my mom to ask her to take Izzy to school and my doorbell rings. Then my garage door opens...

"Helllloooo Audra! Are you ok???" My wonderful neighbor from across the street comes peeking her head in the door.

Me-crying... "I can't get it to stop! The battery is dead!"

By this time, I've got my awesome cop neighbor standing in my driveway (barefoot mind you) asking me if I need help. Umm yes please. Damzel in distress over here!

Magic cop neighbor takes my key, unscrews the back, bangs on it a little, and poof... alarm be gone. Ahhhhh. My hero!

My neighbor across to the other side of me is screaming, "Do you need anything!?"

I love my neighbors. Seriously. There's only eight houses on my street and I know every single one of my neighbors by first name, and anyone of us would do anything for eachother. It's really really cool. Something that's not very common anymore, and it's a shame. They are very protective of me when D isn't home. Killed snakes for me, knocked on the door to tell me my lights were on in my car, picked up packages for me, watched the house for us when we were on trips, play with the girls, just incredible people... really. They even play jokes on us during football season... damn USC fans!

I thanked them all with cookies. Maybe I should have included ear plugs for a little humor.