Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cooking with Izzy

So have I mentioned how much my kid loves to cook? And eat? I mean she will pretty much eat anything we give her... with the exception of a few vegetables. It's pretty amazing.

So we picked up a how to kit on sushi the other day when we were at the bookstore. Izzy LOVES avocado rolls. I mean BIG HEART love. So we thought we'd try to make our own. Went to the store today and bought the nori (seaweed paper) and some vinegar for the rice. Busted out the how to kit and we were well on our way! Daddy took the reins on the fist attempt and uhhh the book mistakenly told us to cut the nori in half. Uhhh this makes for very small sushi that does not seal.

Exhibit A: A little mushy...

So we said to heck with the book and made it up as we went along.

Ahhhh... very impressive. D is a whiz at the sushi making! He got his first avocado rolls perfect!

Izzy even made her own!

I got creative and put some carrots in mine... and D thought it would be funny to add some paper garnish to make it look all professional.

YUM!!! We'll have to master the veggies before we move on to fish and other things. Isn't my kid so cute?

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