Monday, May 11, 2009


So it's like half way through May already? Sort of. It's seriously insane how fast time is going! I have less than 11 weeks before the new baby comes! WOW! And a little more than 9 weeks of D being on probation! Yipeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D's been on a strike team for the last 6 days! Big fire in Santa Barbara. I'm afraid this state is going to burn down before summer at this rate! He gets to leave Santa Barbara today and come home tonight to sleep, then back to his regular shift tomorrow. Pooh, but whatever. A few hours with him is enough to tide us all over til Thursday! I can't complain too much. A few of my girlfriends husbands have been gone for months and one almost a whole year on his tour of Iraq. I know I'm lucky to only have missed him for a week or so. The kids, don't understand and are all in a tizzy. Especially Izzy. Maybe I'll change her name to Tizzy! :)

We didn't get one of the houses we put an offer on. Not necessarily a bad thing. We are the back up offer if the first one falls through. And the other house that we really liked... the mortgage company that owns it LAGS like a turtle! We signed that offer well over a month ago and have heard NOTHING! Our Realtor insists this is the game the banks are playing. It's obnoxious. But we're fine for now. It would be nice to move before Izzy starts kindergarten in August, but you know, when the time is right it will all work out. Renting isn't killing us. It's just not investing us either.

The girls are awesome. G's been having a rocky time the last month or so, but summer is coming and she'll be very busy working at the pool again. Out of my hair, and earning MONEY!

And my Topsy Turvy is GROWING! I haven't black thumbed it yet!!! I'm very excited about this. I've never kept a plant alive, let alone actually GROWN something from nothing! Totally awesome. We'll see if it actually produces a tomato or two!

Life is good... life is very good. I'm just happy to be content right now. Couldn't ask for much more.....

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