Monday, May 25, 2009


9 more glorious weeks and I'll have released this beast from my loins! Hallelujah!

Understand that I am only slightly freaking out about the fact that I have NOTHING ready for this kid. I suppose 9 weeks is plenty of time to yell at D to get all the baby stuff down from the attic, but there's still diapers, nursing stuff, baby bath stuff... oh and getting Avery off the bottle! The other day when we couldn't find my newest nephew's bottle, we opted to use one of Avery's and Oh My Lord... I thought her head was going to explode. Nana couldn't get to her fast enough before she had yanked it out of Luke's mouth and popped it into hers screaming the whole time "MY BABA!" Ode to the future....

I will have 2 children in diapers. This, I never wanted to happen in my LIFE. I'm rolling with it. I don't think I could get Avery comfortably potty trained in 9 weeks and then have the baby come and her not revert back. THAT would suck.

And did I mention I have no place to put this kid? Our house is full. We were hoping we would have moved by now but we are still waiting to hear about one of the offers we put in, and have a back up on another. So I doubt in 9 weeks we'll be anywhere but here. We'll have the baby in our room for a while, but then what? Not looking forward to bunking Izzy and Avery. And I have no where to put the baby's stuff! The diapers, the clothes, the ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I wanted to get a new dresser but I have no where to put it! So I guess I'll be rearranging my dresser temporarily to put baby stuff in. I don't want to invade the girls space until I absolutely have to.

And laughably, I could totally have another one, IF we had a bigger house. D says NO. He's already prepared for the snip snip. He says if he has 5 kids he'll die. HAHA. So if we are done, that's fine. As long as this one comes out healthy, I couldn't be happier. I'm ok with never being pregnant again. I guess. It's just that my kids are so cute! :)

I need to go shopping.

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