Monday, August 10, 2009

ummm what just happened?

So I had another baby. Another baby. Another GIRL baby. Two weeks ago. And she is the most precious thing ever.


Oh and now we have FOUR kids. Four. Four kids.

Let me just wrap my head around that for a minute.

I have 3 girls under the age of FIVE for the next 14 days. Then I'll have 3 girls under 6, and a teenager in my house.

Oh. My. Word.

Overwhelmed much? So overwhelmed in fact that D who was supposed to be on "family leave", has now turned his 3 weeks of paternity leave into "D runs away at any chance he can get leave"! I don't blame him. I suppose. If I wasn't a human bottle for the baby I'd probably have run away a few times already myself. He's tired, I'm tired, there's enough estrogen in this house to start our own liberation movement. Did I mention that I'm trying not to be jealous of the fact that he CAN run away!

On top of having a baby, our Nana passed away. Well, D's Nana to be more precise. She was my most favorite grama ever. She was D's second mom. She was just awesome. I mean, we named our first born after her! She was just.... awesome. Not even twelve hours after we brought our baby home from the hospital, grama was gone. We knew it was her time, she had been sick for a few years. For the whole month of July she had been in and out of the hospital, and D had finally found her fantastic at home care, but it was just too late.

See, every time we have a baby, one of his grandparents pass away. It's that vicious circle of life. When I was pregnant with Izzy, Grampa Victor passed away two months before my due date. After I had Avery, Grampa Bahta passed away three months to the day of her birth, and Avery never got to meet him. And then Nana. We so so so thought she would be around for a few more years at least. At LEAST. But God had other plans. I think for D, not being there when she passed was good and bad. He said goodbye to her the day before I went into labor. He knew. I was so hoping she coulf just see the baby once before she passed. My wonderful sister-in-law showed her a picture from her phone and told grama her name, and then she went to sleep and never woke up again. It just sucked. Still sucks. Just blah.

Needless to say, we've had a rough few weeks. Sooooo bittersweet.

More later...

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