Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ahhhh life is good.

So I'm still pregnant. News Flash. And surprisingly I'm ok with it. I mean, this is the last time I'll be pregnant ever again so I'm really not in a rush to totally alter mine and the kids lives any earlier than need be. Of course it's the perfect time being summer and with G and Iz not in school yet. Avery I'm sure will have the most trouble with it because she is SUCH a MAMA's GIRL! Good lord! Hopefully the new baby will be a daddy's girl so she can fight with Izzy and Avery won't get all grumpy about it. Avery is just like D. Needs LOTS of snuggles and cuddles and loves. She is so sweet though, I love it. Izzy's more.... well whiney about it. (Which I really have no patience for, but I'm trying!)

Thursday will be 18 months D's been with the department and oh ALSO HIS LAST OFFICIAL DAY OF PROBATION! YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I am so proud of that guy it's unbelievable. He truely has done everything he ever stood for, and then some. He gives me the strenght to believe I can do whatever I want! I didn't think it was possible to love that guy anymore, but it just reaffirms my faith in him. He's wonderful.

So besides D's grama being sick and us dealing with that (which I will not get into because I don't want to aggrivate my way into labor) life is good. We are great, everyone is happy and healthy and there's not much more I can ask for.

And that's my update for this week! More surprises to come!!!

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