Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tired, can't sleep.

Tired, can't sleep. Do those words go together? NO!

I'm so tired!!! Yet, here I sit. Watching the news, dreading going to bed. Ever tried to get comfortable with a 36 1/2 week old baby in your belly? It's hard enough to SIT! Nearly impossible to actually lie down. And the heartburn and indigestion are enough for me to literally be a fire breathing dragon! I haven't tried sleeping on the couch yet, but I hate sleeping out here with all the lights off! It's DARK and I'm a chicken!

3 more weeks. 3 more glorious weeks. And I swear, if this baby doesn't COME out on her own when it's TIME, I'm going to scream. I'd love for at least one of my children to not have to be forced out of my womb! Please? I mean I really don't think it's too much to ask!

I'm trying to take it easy now. My feet and hands are starting to swell and it huuuuuuurts. I stole some frozen broccoli out of my sister's freezer today and stood on the bag. Oh it felt so good! It's the finer things in life... like standing on frozen broccoli! Got my hair did today, and my toes. I'll probably have to go get my toes done one more time before the baby, but my hair will look fabulous!

I'm working on parties. Trying to get stuff done for things before the baby comes. Got to get Izzy's bday invites out soon. Finally got a matress today for baby's crib, and my wonderful mommy bought a new bouncy chair so the baby has somewhere besides the swing to sit. Car seat is all sewn and ready to go, just need to install the base, but that will be so quick. We've done it a few times now! I just have to put it in the trunk! I'm trying to revel in the fact that I can sit up til 11 typing and watching TV, because that won't happen for a while after baby comes.

Oh and we changed her name again. Well... just the middle name. She will be the only one without a GWTW middle name. But eh... I'm ok with it. I just did NOT like any of the names left from the movie and since we already nicknamed her, we're sticking with the inititals.

And of course now that I'm ready to go to bed, baby has decided to begin her nightly session of gymnastics in my belly. This should be entertaining for the next hour or so!

Good night!

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