Sunday, November 15, 2009

la la land

That's meeeee! Wheeee. La La Land. And I'm loving it.

I got made fun of for being a PTA mom last night. Did I defend myself? Nope. Why? Because I don't want to, or need to. I love it. I'm a big PTA loving dork, and I'm totally content with it. It feels GOOD! I get to be involved in my kid's school! Who the heck would not want to do that? Izzy gets to see me and D doing things at the school, doing things in her class, and enjoying it. I'm really hoping that she learns that volunteering is a great thing and that she is humbled by it one day. Frankly, I hope we all are. I wish more parents would volunteer. I wish everyone would volunteer. It's really a great thing.

Anywhoooo... off my little volunteer soap box.

Kids are great. D is great. Life is la la la lovely! We will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary next Monday. So awesome. I'm a little scared to leave the baby overnight, seeing as the kid will not take a bottle to save her life! Nana swears it's ok, and luckily it's only 24 hours. I figure eventually she will be hungry enough! (I hope). Not that I don't love breast feeding, but I'd prefer that she take a bottle now and then just for my sanity's sake!

We had our family photos done last week. A guy I know from high school met us at this park and took some fantastic shots. I have to pick from the 150 he gave me disk! Avery was a little turkey and protested the whole time. So it's really more like 30 shots I get to choose from. They still turned out adorable. It actually was perfect, there was an old fire truck parked outside this store, so we jumped on it and took a few family shots. So perfect for our little firehouse.

We're still working on getting a house. Slow process, but we're getting closer every day. I should really blog more often and maybe come up with something less boring to say...

And now I'm off to bed.

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