Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lots and lots and noooo money

Sucks. I think all this DIY watching is making me obsessed with remodeling this house. I know, I know. We've only been here for 4 months but I'm dying over here. Or really, dying to get the nasty smell of smoke that occasionally wafers through the house. And I keep thinking that's the reason that we all keep getting sick. I know it's stupid, and it's probably not the reason but seriously between me and the kids, one of us has been sick since January. I blame the nasty smoke lingering in the walls. I'm trying to really prioritize what needs to be FIXED rather than altered. We just ordered new windows to try to control the outrageous PG&E bill. We need a new pool pump for sure, but that can wait. I'm really hoping the pump blows up so that can be covered under our home warranty. I'm pretty sure I've said that before. So far, the exterior stucco seems to be the biggest issue because it's cracked and water damage is threatening to seriously screw up the house. But holy heck re stuccoing a house is expensive! So far, I'm just trying to get estimates and figure out a budget, etc.

And beside that, we have no money. Seriously. No money. Enough to pay the mortgage, and the bills and that's about it. Oh and food. Food is important. The kids seem to be eating like rabid beasts lately. I can't keep enough fruit in the house. And that stuff isn't cheap!

And we're waiting patiently for our tax return. Great. Let's see how long that takes...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This would do the trick!

I just saw this commercial and seriously... if I had one of THESE I might actually run again. It's called the ProForm Performance 1450 treadmill. It's not just an ordinary treadmill, it has some crazy technical stuff, and this nutso incline cushion thingie! Just click the link and look at it yourself!!! It even has this crazy feature where you can pretend to jog through parks and stuff, like Golden Gate Park and stuff! Seriously!!! How cool would it be to trick your mind into thinking you are running through Central Park, or through some crazy beautiful countryside in Italy. Oh, my, amazing!!! I think my knees would love me again.

Of course that price, is outrageous, but DUDE!

I wonder if anyone would notice if I started going to Sports Authority every day in my workout gear... I should try.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wasting time...

So we're all sick. AGAIN!!! Understand how annoying it is. As soon as one family member feels better, someone is getting sick. Tabs has an ear infection, pretty sure Avery does too, and Izzy has had a fever for almost 24 hours. And now I'm also feeling blah. Runny nose, head cold. Annoying. Seriously.

So since they are awake, I can't really nap. So I'm surfing the internet for ideas. I don't think I mentioned that I had this hideous wall of faux brick in my kitchen. Long story short, I got a bug up my butt and decided to take it off. It was so ugly! And in my quest to remove the hideous faux brick, I also totally destroyed the sheet rock. Which D had to replace, which his fabulous friend Mike had to re texture, and then paint, and thus I am not allowed to touch things anymore.

So now I have this lovely beautiful white wall. Awesome! Except I have no art for it! Boo! I have some wine items in the kitchen I was hoping to use, but then I found this fabulous website and found:

THIS fabulous picture!!! And there's more, here and here!!! Aren't they so fun?!?! It's still wine art, but with the cutest little modern, fun twist! I love them and they would be so cute on my wall! Of course I'd have to probably get rid of the boring standard wine art I have now, But whatever! I need something more fun to pep up the white walls! The colors are so pretty.

And now there's a kid whining for food... so my quest for wall art stops. For now.