Friday, May 9, 2008

How much am I worth?

If I got paid to stay at home, I'd be making more than a hundred grand a year. That's what the latest poll from says.

So where's my check?

I've been a "stay at home" mom going on 11 months now. Have I gotten any monetary compensation for it? Uhh no. I don't count the unemployment money from being laid off, or the disability compensation for 6 freaking weeks after I had baby. I mean, if I hadn't gotten laid off last June I probably would have gone back after my maternity leave. I would have hated it, but man the money was great, the benefits were even greater, and the freedom of not being "mommy" for 7.5 hours a day was pretty nice. I had a pension! I had a retirement! I was worth something!!!

Now don't get me wrong, I love being home. Seriously. I'm not trying to convince myself. I do. My kids are fun, entertaining and exciting. It's just that they definitely can't hold an adult conversation. There's just nothing better than talking to another adult about absolutely nothing and feeling like I still have a useful brain. I'm not all Dora and SpongeBob and play doh and wonder color markers! I have been forgetting lately that there's more to me than instructing my husband how to put 3 year old in time out, or telling teenager not to back talk, or making sure 3 year old doesn't accidentally injure baby. Everything is sort of out of control these days, and my only sense of security is to be "boss mommy," and order everyone to do it my way or get out of my face! I know... I know. I'm a control freak. Shocking.

I mean really, why am I not getting paid for this? I basically took care of my boss like he was my child when I was working. The antiquated, hates computers, still makes me use a typewriter boss! I did everything for him, and he paid me WELL! Where's the money I should be getting for doing everything for the crazy husband and children on a daily basis? Should I stoop so low and start soliciting people on the internet to pay my bills like that crazy lady did? (If you haven't heard about that... oh man it's a doozey!)

I'm taking donations.


Kristen McD said...

Okay. I may be the only one - but I HATE the "how much money should a SAHM be paid?" things. How can you put a value on it? WHY is the only thing of worth, money? Why can't the benefit to the children of having their mother as their primary caregiver be enough? Every family could benefit from one member's full time position to be taking care of the family's needs. Errands, cleaning, whatever. Not to mention the things you wind up taking care of for families who don't HAVE someone available during the day.

I hate that what it comes down to is "how much money am I worth?" because it's soooo not about the money.

End rant.

Crystal said...

This morning I was an alarm clock, masseuse, chef, maid, & referee all before 9:30. :P

I love your blog, Audi! Awesome!

Giddy. said...

I hate to say it K, but people do put a value on it... and many people value a SAHM very low, because she doesn't get paid.

I think the article, and the point is not "how much am I worth monitarily?" but, "just so you know, if I did this as a career, here is what I could earn."

Some people don't realize how much goes into taking care of a family's needs... especially those who have never had the opportunity to do it. Sometimes, its just easier to slap them with hard numbers than with logic.

Even then, I think we still get the short end of the stick. Its important to recognize ourselves, our strengths and abilities, and be proud of who we are and what we do... because, a lot of times, our moms are the only other ones who do.