Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quite the dillema...

Ah Halloween. ON top of the 500 million things we have going on this month, I'm left to #1 purchase numerous accessories for G's Roller Derby Girl costume. Roller skates, shiny silver hot pants, green and black ZEBRA striped leggings, and of course none of these things are found in stores and must be shipped. (Have I mentioned that G is INCREDIBLY artsy and original and I don't dare stifle her creativity). #2 Purchase fabric, pattern, batting and other items for the baby's costume that G's ALSO creating. We have a back up plan because this will be the first pattern G will be following, but I know she'll do great. She's a whiz at the sewing machine.

And #3... Izzy. Yes, Izzy. My little Virgo. Demanding, dominating, more opinionated than me, Izzy. Trying to get my 4 year old to MAKE A DECISION, is like trying to get the Republicans and the Democrats to AGREE on this stupid bail out plan. I know it will happen, but if I have to hear her negotiate about it with me one more time I'm going hurt someone!!! "Mom, if you let me wear RED lipstick, I'll be Scarlett OHara! Mom, if you die my hair ORANGE, I'll be a pumpkin" etc. etc. Just pick a frickin costume before I dress you up as my prisoner and lock you in your room all night instead of trick or treating!

The problem is that I have SO much going on this month, with countless birthdays and parties, D taking his engineer courses, Izzy starting soccer, and my high school reunion that almost fell in the toilet but has magically come to life (and did I mention that I'm in charge of it with one other person!)... I don't have time to have a kid keep changing her mind!!!!!

So I have two down... and one to threaten!

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