Friday, January 14, 2011

Special K challenge-ing

I spent the first 6 days of 2011 with gastroenteritis. (See post below) That was a lot of fun. Before the New Year, I had promised D that I would do the Special K challenge with him. see here It's 2 weeks of eating an array of Special K products like cereal, protein shakes and bars, and some snacky granola bar things. It's supposed to be a jump start to help us be more concious of what we put in our mouths. D's been a little less pleased with his waist line lately. Now mind you, I lost 8 pounds from the lovely illness at the beginning of the year so I was thinking... uhhh great. I really don't need to lose anymore pounds! I promised though, and I stick to my word. D is always up for a challenge so I figured motivating him to get a little healthier would help me eat better and maybe, just maybe... exercise! The HORROR!

So it's day 5 now. The first three days, I pretty much wanted to jump off a cliff! I think it was all the reading of my new Martha Stewart cupcake cook book, or my new Ina Garten cook book with all that delicious buttery goodness of food, that had me a little obsessed with the food that I'm not supposed to be eating. Then day 4 I caved and ate a brownie. Well, maybe 3 brownies. Because I had to. It was for my sanity. I felt a little guilty eating it in front of D because he's been doing SO good, but he just laughed at me. I'm sorry. I don't have will power for chocolate! Today was much better, although I snuck in a teeny tiny kit kat. I'm hoping tomorrow I don't sneak any sugar. I've still lost a whole pound already! D has lost 2. Yay!

We've only been to the gym once so far, but hopefully next week we'll do better. I realize that as I get older, my body needs a kick in the butt a little more. D too. So let's hope this works!

1 comment:

Amanda Swann said...

I didn't know you had a blog! Yay, now I can follow:)
