Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just call me Martha...

I have seriously been a baking fool this month. I think it's because we have been stuck inside since it's rained 22 out of the 27 days of March. BOO! Usually I love the rain, but I swear to God it has rained and rained, and RAINED since we moved in back in October. Talk about a drag. I am so sick of this rain! So baking. Wonderful baking. Sort of a fun task to do since the weather sucks and it's cold. Nothing like trying to proof dough in the cold wet weather. But, alas I will say, I have mastered this yeast nemesis of mine, and made it my B&$%#!

I have always been intimidated by bread and rolls, and pretty much anything that requires yeast. It has never been my friend in the past. Apparently I've found some sort of patience, because really the only thing required for yeast, is that. Patience. Seriously. That's the BIG secret. It's always been a requirement of mine to be able to mix some stuff together, bake it, and eat it. But yeast is a whole different ball game. It requires sitting, and rising, and sitting some more, and the right temperature, and blah blah. AND then after it sits, and rises, you have to usually do something to it, and then let it sit and rise AGAIN! Jeez! So my 20 minute prep, 20 minute bake, 20 second eat, is out the window. It's more like 3 hours. But it has been passing the time for me and I'm in love. I don't think I'll ever buy whole wheat bread again. Because I am a skilled bread maker! AND I made The Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls from heaven, so I'll also never have to buy those cinnamon rolls out of the tube again!

Plus the kids love it, and they like to help when my OCD lets them. I'm going to need a heavy duty mixer though, because yesterday the KitchenAid started smoking during the kneading. A key indication that I have baked way too much this month. I guess I'll just knead by hand now. Good muscle toning. I bought a couple more cook books off Amazon to try out my yeast skills. I am salivating waiting for them to show up in the mail!

I am proud of myself. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm getting good at this baking thing! Woot! And I'm getting out of my funk, which is excellent for my health. I feel great!!!

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