Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Procrastination is the answer!!

I have too much to do. And not enough time to do it. But yet I sit here, blogging. What a dork. I think I'm turning into my husband. He's a HUGE procrastinator. I'm wondering why I ever yelled at him for putting stuff off. I kinda like it. It makes me feel irresponsible! Dirty! Shameful!

Ohhh I like it a lot actually.

I've always been the responsible one. I'm the boss of the applesauce as Izzy likes to put it. I bark the orders, and everyone follows. Eh, I'm not into it anymore. I want to run free naked in the woods, well I take that back. Maybe just run free in the woods with clothes on. There's lots of sharp things in the woods that could harm me if I was naked!

I totally love my kids, but sometimes I seriously hate dictating their schedules onto numerous calendars on the fridge! Can't we just go with the flow? (I know D is reading this right now thinking... who are you and what have you done with my control freak wife?) News flash babe, I'm into doing nothing right now! I'm dreading school starting next month. Then it's all these schedules plastered on the fridge and my head spinning around like the exorcist deciding who drives who where and what parents is with what kid.

Maybe it's the heat. Maybe I'm just being lazy. Maybe I'm just in a mood. I'm just happy doing the bare minimum these days. I'm not sure if this is permanent, but I'm embracing it while it lasts! I'm liking this procrastinating thing!

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