Wednesday, August 27, 2008

It's like... liberating, but in a republican sort of way.

Ahhhhhh. There's something so wonderfully liberating about a great haircut!

I cut my hair off. Well, actually my friend Stacy (the greatest hair stylist in the WORLD) cut off my hair. I was seriously scared. I might have even closed my eyes a little while she was cutting it.

I've had the same hair cut for as long as I can remember. Seriously, besides maybe changing the color to something totally NON drastic, I've had the same boring old hair down to my shoulder blades forever. I'm not exactly one for change, I guess. I'm a republican dang it! We're happy with the way things are, blinders and all... just leave us alone! D has always liked my long hair and told me that I wasn't allowed to cut it. The hair was pretty much the only control of anything he has in this house, so I let him believe I would have long hair forever... to make him happy. Luckily, he's been at work for the last two days and still hasn't seen it. Tee hee. I explained to him that in order to grow my hair long and healthy again, it required a substantial cut. He does not understand chick hair.

It's not even that short. I mean it's the shortest I've ever had in my life, but it's still sorta laying on my shoulders and it's all pretty and highlighted. I can put it in a little nub of a pony tail. I absolutely LOVE it! The color, the cut, the liberation. It's just so nice to have my head look a little different for a while. It's making me want to get up and go do something fabulous... I think that's exactly what I needed to jump start my little funk. YAY!

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