Saturday, August 30, 2008

Amazing weight loss tool!

D's been on a mission to lose 10 pounds. He says 15, I say 10 because seriously if he lost those extra 5, he'd look like a wafer in his jeans, and I like his cute butt the way it is. He's done AMAZING with his fitness regime. Since we got married in 2002 he's lost about 40 pounds by going to the gym and cutting out red meat as much as possible, but for a while now he's been stuck at this last 10. I'm so proud of him. He looks freaking fantastic!

So my brother in law in the last six months has managed to drop 90 POUNDS just by diet and exercise. It's incredible. He looks like a completely different person. He looks healthy, his skin looks amazing, and he just SEEMS so much happier! I think D's a little jealous... in a good way of course, but now he's more determined than ever to kick that extra 10 off the scale! So my brother in law has been giving him the skinny (no pun intended) on how he totally changed his diet and goes nuts at the gym. I've been listening! And now, with a little push in the right direction, I think I can get D to get over the hump and be comfortable and happy in his own skin.

In my quest to find out how to help him eat better, I came across this FABULOUS website! . I have never heard mention of this website before. I was reading some of the forums in and came across it. I was a bit shocked it wasn't the first web page on google that pops up when you type in "weight loss tool."

I had NO idea the government participates in something so cool, and why people are not talking about, or even broadcasting it to the world! It's the easiest VISUAL tool I could find to understand how much grains, veggies, fruits, and what-nots D is supposed to be eating per day. I mean dude, I got to print out this multi-colored food pyramid with specific amounts on it and pin it to the fridge! Hello awesome! I'm in love! You just input a few details, like age, weight and height and viola! Instant food pyramid based on the calories you SHOULD be intaking per day. It's a great tool for the whole family really! Talk about getting motivated to have a better healthier life!

I'm hoping this works. We went shopping today and are slowly switching out all food for better choices. I'm excited to see how well we do with this plan and if the food guide from the website works.

See... it's not so bad when the government intervenes! (Insert devilish grin here!)

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