Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Too young for here... too old for there.

This is an insane week. I mean, honestly today was the first time in a YEAR that I've had to wake up to the actual alarm at 6:30 as opposed to the Avery alarm around 7am. That's how seriously insane this week is. I've got Izzy's birthday weekend, yes weekend happening starting Saturday with dinner for the aunts and uncles and grandparents, followed by pool party with friends on Sunday for her ACTUAL birthday. Two parties... a bit much yes. But I'm over it. Then G's registration, PTA volunteering, oh and I have my first class tomorrow night. Yep, meez getting edumacated people! I'm officially a college student! A little pissed that I didn't get all the classes I needed, but the procrastination gene from D is rubbing off on me.

I always love doing PTA stuff for G's school. I'm the GIRL all the other PTA moms look at and go "uh why is there a student here?" And I'm all... hey HI my kid goes here and yes, I'm young and oh I don't wear grandma jeans. And they're like... oh wow she must have been a real slut in high school to have such an old kid. And I'm like... dude I may have been a slut, but that aint my kid. And then they're all... oh so you're the young husband stealer then! Yes That's WHAT I am! Too bad my husband is young and hot too and was just a stupid horny teenager and didn't use protection and had a baby when he was 17. Teens, use a condom!

Then there's school. I'm old. I mean, I'm the OLDEST person in my speech class. It's rather comical, and seriously I can't wait to hear what some of these 18 year old kids have to say about politics or the right to privacy on their myspace page or some other mind boggling speech that only a fresh out of highschool bad ass junior college kid can come up with. It should be special! God as my witness, I'll get out of junior college before I'm dead! Maybe I'll get tenure or something and they'll just wave me through if I stay long enough! YAY!

Fall is in full swing in our house!

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