Saturday, June 21, 2008

Breaking out of my shell!

My dad makes fun of me because I'm afraid of the internet. I still get nervous putting real names and real information about my personal life out in cyberspace. But Papa insists that there is nothing to fear! Not to mention FFP has decided he does NOT want to be FFP on my blog. He say it sounds like an exotic disease or something. So he shall now be D. Just D. And I suppose I shall refer the girls by their names as well while I'm at it.

I know I know... it's ok Aud. Even if they know real names, they won't come find you in real life. It's JUST A BLOG!!!

So we've got D the FFP husband, G the teenager, Izzy the 3 year old and Avery the baby. Oh and me-Audra.

Now please promise not to come looking for me or my family. :)


Mike said...

That's my girl. It'll be ok. Love, Papa.

Giddy. said...

All teasing aside, if someone were really creative, they could figure out who I am, who my kid is, and very likely a lot more personal information about us.

But, I don't make it easy. Google my real name... you won't find me. And, neither will prospective employers... or possible stalkers. It never hurts to keep some things private.

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" and of course, I like to live by the old "better safe than sorry" rule.

Giddy. said...

As a funny side story, about a year an a half ago I met up with a friend that I met, through mutual (IRL) friends online. We went out to dinner, had a great time...

Near the end of the meal, during the second glass of wine there was a little silence... that became a prolonged silence. Eventually, he says, "this is going to sound really strange, but I don't even know your real name."

It didn't surprise me at all. Though, before we went out, I was able to google him and find out exactly who he was, and what he'd been doing for the last several years. Interesting.