Sunday, June 22, 2008

Sensitivity, or lack thereof...

Apparently D is right about one thing about me. He says I really do not have the "sensitive" gene. I think I was born without it. Or maybe I inherited the "insensitivity" gene from someone who shall remain nameless... (cough) MOM! I don't know really how to tread lightly with things. I just frickin dive in and go and I don't give a crap who I splash!

(I'm feeling nostalgic and sappy so apologies in advance for any cheesiness.)

I have two best friends. Well, besides my sister who is my family and my best friend, I have two ACTUAL not related to me by blood best friends. Laura and Blair, and yes those are their actual names! We've been BFFs since we were like 10 years old. No joke. These two probably know more about me than my parents or my husband care to. They are the most wonderful women in the world and I am so unbelievably lucky to be able to call them my friends.

Right now they both live a long drive or a short plane trip away from me. Laura is in SoCal and Blair is living in AZ . At one point they were both in SoCal and made my life very easy in terms of visiting. In fact I think at one point they lived in the same house down there and then the punks decided to part ways and make my life hell! Thanks a lot! :) Bottom line is I'm lazy and I don't see either one of them enough. I need to change that.

So back to my point of the story:

Blair's been dealt a rough blow this year. Besides Laura and me both forgetting her birthday AGAIN (don't ask, we are just total airheads)... she's been dealing with a lot. A couple months ago she was here visiting and we had the chance to meet up and have dinner and drinks at her uncle's house. We hung out for a good while and I left thinking everything was great. Then I didn't hear from her. I kept calling and calling and texting and nothing for those two months and got no response. Finally my last "are you alive" text got a reply. "I'm alive, just busy. Will call soon." Hmmm. Did I do something? Did I piss her off at her uncle's? Did I offend in front of the family? Retracing steps in my head when there was lots of wine involved is never an easy task. Then tonight she finally called and oh yeah my instincts were right. I knew she was pissed at me. Maybe not pissed, but annoyed or irritated or peeved, or some other very bad verb.

So after I got caught up on the latest Blair-current and past events, I got hit with the blow. And it stung. And I now feel like the biggest most insensitive prick on the face of the planet.

B- "Hey so you know it really bothered me that I had to find out from Avery's baptism invitation that Laura was going to be the Godmother."

Me- "Huh? What? I thought I told you when you were here? I'm sure I did?"

B- "Definitely did not mention that. It's ok. It just was hard seeing it on the invitation."

Me- "Oh Blair I am So sorry! So so so so so sorry. I'm so sorry. I thought I told you. Sorry sorry so very sorry. "

B- "It's ok. I just had to tell you that's partly why I haven't called you back because it bothered me."

I must have said sorry about 100 more times after that. It's not that I'm sorry I didn't choose her to be the Godmother, but that I was such an insensitive prick to not let her know it was Laura.

I have never felt like more of an ass than I do right now. Never once did it cross my mind that it would upset Blair that I chose Laura to be Avery's Godmother. It's not like her to get upset about that kind of stuff usually, but of course not hearing it out of my mouth and seeing it on paper was a bit of a blow to the ego I'm sure. I just never thought that it would offend her, and I didn't even think she would care! What a jerk I am!

I really need to figure out what hairs to pull out of my head to make the sensitivity start flowing!

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