Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Bring back No Name!!

I've been listening to this local morning show on the radio for a good 10 plus years. Longer than I've known my husband. I've listened as the first crappy mess of a co host Vinnie got fired. I listened through Sarah (the other co host) having two kids, never wanting to have sex with her husband, and being the most wretched nasty beeotch on the planet sometimes. I was so god dang excited when No Name came along and filled the empty chair of Vinnie. He was like this breath of really witty dry bad sense of humor but hilariously necessary fresh air that the station was starving for. No Name was awesome. I mean AWESOME. And I think it made him even cooler that his real name is also my papas. Extra points in my book. Then all of a sudden, the producer Matty decides to quit when the station was going through new big wig changes. Ok... that stung a little. Matty was the glue!

Then for some stupid ratings BS garbage, the idiot executives fire No Name. After SIX years! Just up and gone. Because apparently, the demographics for the station are leading them to believe that women don't like his dry witter banter. Well excuse the hell out of me, but there's enough underly sexed bitter women on television that I can turn on whenever I feel like. My saving grace in the morning was getting in the car, driving the kids to school and listening to No Name talk about his kegerator in his garage and his hot ass wife and two kids. I could give two craps about Sarah. She doesn't even have sex with her husband! SNOOZE FEST!!!!

So now, I sit. Wondering what songs I'll listen to on the Ipod tomorrow instead of what funny little anecdotes No Name won't be shelling out to one of his Ask No Name letters. I'll have to actually interact with my children in the morning now! Oh the agony!

I want No Name back. Alice is off my #1 memory in the car. I'm done with them.


Tina said...

I was on Craigslist. Someone claiming to work at the station said Sarah sold him out to save her @ss. I'm a No Name fan from KOME. I started listening again to Alice when they brought him on. I tuned in the other day to listen. She didn't sound sad or surprised. She sounded cold about it. I won't be listening to Alice anymore. They did him wrong. I'm the demographic they are trying to hit! Most of the pissed off listeners are as well.

Audra said...

I hope Sarah gets fired next month like I read somewhere. If you're going to make some changes... can the whole staff!

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you. I have listened to the show since 2001 (when Vinnie was still on the air). No Name brought a great balance. Sarah is so boring by herself. She needs an energetic, interesting co-host. I'm curious to see how this is going to pan out, but I am pretty much done with Alice. Ironic since I am part of this demographic that supposedly No Name did not fit.