Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Michelle Obama

Why couldn't she have run for president instead of Hilary? I would have totally voted for that woman. She's probably one of the best speakers I've heard in my life. Very family oriented, (which I love) intelligent, and funny. It's interesting how the press is putting such a personal touch on the democratic race, but I don't see that AT ALL with McCain. I suppose it's because he's old enough to be a grampa and it doesn't mean as much to people with young children. The only thing that bothered me in her speech last night was the whole "Barak sticks to his word," bru ha ha. So far, not true. He's flip flopped on lots of issues, so I'm curious how he's actually STICKING to his word.

Maybe Obama should have chosen her to be his VP. Now THAT would have been cool. I'm still on the fence who I'm voting for.....

1 comment:

Danny Mora said...

How could you been on the fence who you're voting for? Now I assure it is a lesser of two evils situation, but really cousin? Negro please!