Saturday, August 9, 2008

Not you too, John?!?!

So John Edwards had an affair. And not only did he have an affair, but he had an affair after his wife had some serious breast cancer. Duuuuude. Seriously? Are there no faithful men in this world anymore?

The thing is for me, Bill Clinton has always looked like a cheater. Just the way he always hugged women I could tell he was a little womanizer. Usually, cheaters are fairly easy to spot. It's like having gay-dar. Yeah not very PC, but it's true. I'm not accurate in gay-dar, but I am pretty damn instinctual with my cheat-dar. So when these politicians kept coming on the air saying they were having affairs, I was all... well duh. The cheat-dar meter was totally up there for me. When that guy Larry Craig started soliciting people under the bathroom stalls, it was easy to raise my cheat-dar, but he threw me with the gay-dar.

But John Edwards? Seriously? Not a friggin meter read on my cheat-dar. No where. How could the man that talks about MORALS more than his political agenda be a lying cheating dirt bag? How could the man who's wife went through cancer VERY publicly during his first presidential run turn around and find some chick to do to make him feel better? What the hell is that about? Then he had the nerve to RUN AGAIN in 2008? All the while, knowing he had an affair two years ago! Did he seriously think that if he had continued his campaign that no one would have noticed the little affair? Didn't Bill Clinton get "impeached," for the little blow job incident in the white house? Did the dumb ass honestly think we'd be all, oh dude it's cool, you had an affair, wife had cancer, we understand that you lost your mind for a second there while she was getting chemo? Uhh no.

I'm seriously disappointed. Slightly ashamed. And oh my gosh, so sad for his poor wife. Praying that neither Barak or McCain have had an affair. I mean really. Can I get a decent person to run this country? And YES, I do believe that morals are more important than politics. If you have no morals, you have nothing.

Now, to figure out which presidential candidate loves his wife more has some friggin morals.....

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Hey I saw that you have a blog so I added you to my friends on mine. Hope all is well...btw, I'm with you on John!