Saturday, August 16, 2008

Waking up in a cold sweat....

I'm in serious panic mode or something. Every night it's getting harder to get to sleep, and even harder to stay asleep. I'm not sure what it's all stemming from.

Last week I woke up and SWORE the fan was on fire and that my room smelled of smoke. I got up, turned it off, unplugged it, sat there, smelled it and then walked the entire house and the garage making sure nothing was on fire. Then I laid there... for an hour. Wondering if maybe I should go check the attic because THAT was the only place I didn't look. FREAK! Eventually I did get back to sleep only to be woken up by the Avery alarm at 6:45.

And of course D was at work. I mean I usually sleep very poorly when he's not home. I sleep even worse when he's not home and G is at her mom's. It's like I can't rest if my whole family isn't under the same roof. It's ANNOYING! I mean, the dog barks at any kind of noise so I know if someone was breaking in or something was happening, he'd be all over it, but it doesn't make me feel better when D's not home.

Then last night, I had a terrible dream that the 10 year reunion I'm planning was a flop. We couldn't get the minimum tickets purchased and had to cancel the whole thing. (Seriously hoping that does NOT happen!)

Apparently I'm having some anxiety!


Mike said...

Remember sweetie, we're just a phone call and about 90 seconds away ANYTIME you need us.

Danny Mora said...

Cousin you need a gun!