Friday, December 31, 2010


in 2011 I resolve to (in no apparent order):

-smile more
-be a tiny bit selfish
-get a little more edumacated
-diy our own bamboo flooring in the kitchen
-have more patience with the kids
-lose 3 pounds... I know, HUGE.
-exercise a little... a LITTLE
-get more organized
-take a break every once in a while...


-stop being a scardy cat and get on an airplane... (maybe)

Happy New Year!!! And Happy 31st birthday to me!

Monday, October 4, 2010


We bought a house. I forgot to mention it since all I've been doing is signing my name to 800 different pieces of paper and getting insurance, and doing all this crap and just going insane!!!

The whole experience is frickin exhaustingly painfully awful! I don't even know how people do this all the time! It's just crazy. I'm sure I'll be happy once we're in the house, but right now the whole thing is soooo scary! I hate hate hate dealing with money, talking about money, just ick ick ick.

The house is amazinnnnnnng. It needs work, it's got a pool, it's in a great location, it needs work, it's amazing! Did I mention it needs work? But it's perfect. Perfect for us, and perfect that we didn't need to move an hour and a half away to be able to buy the house we wanted. It's amazing. I just wish all this paperwork would magically fill itself out and that we could just move now!

I'm so going to miss this house. 6 and a half years we've lived here. I brought all 3 babies home to this house. I watched all 3 babies crawl for the firs time, take their first steps... ugh I'm going to cry. Izzy's learned how to ride her bike on this street. We had countless hours in the community pool with all the girls. Our neighbors have shared birthdays with us, porch chats, Christmas decorating wars, so much stuff... It's so bittersweet. They are all so happy for us, but so sad that we are leaving. We are too!

I need a cry break now...

I have to take a cry break now...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Makes me feel sooooo loved.

Papers. Little wadded up papers. ALL OVER MY DRYER.

Normally, this is my fault. I tend to keep tissue in my pockets, because I HAVE BOOGER RIDDEN CHILDREN. And inevitably the tissue or whatever else go through the wash because I don't check pockets before I do laundry. So for once (I hope you're reading this dear, husband) it wasn't my paper! Apparently now I know how he feels because I was really irritated for a second.

And then I saw a little piece of the wadded up paper with my handwriting and I knew what it was...

About a month ago when Izzy went on her trip to Grampa's house, I had written her a note and stuffed it in her suitcase for her to find it. I can't remember exactly what I wrote, but the little pieces I found said, proud, love you, will miss you.

And my almost 6 year old, found that note in her luggage, stuffed it in her tiny little shorts pocket, and it stayed there for a month. Until the STUPID washer and dryer washed it, fluffed it, then wadded it up and spit it out!

(Insert tears here)

I guess I'll start checking pockets now.

Friday, July 30, 2010

The need to be MUCH more frugal...

I'm considering doing a daily blog, or weekly or something. About frugal finds.


I mean, seriously folks.

I know we aren't the only ones in this world who are having financial problems, but oh my lord. It's ridiculous. I just don't understand really. D works his butt off, makes a decent living, and we are still barely keeping our mouths above water. It SUCKS! And it makes me feel so bad, because my poor man doesn't feel like he's "providing" for his family. Totally 1950's, but I get it, I guess. My unemployment ran out for good, and I'm not even cool enough to get another extension. BUT I am not complaining because I got it for a long time. We were very lucky to have gotten it for as long as I did.

We don't even spend a lot of money! We shop at Target, Ross, Marshalls, and Trader Joes for goodness sake! High end retail? I don't think so. I mean, I occasionally dabble in Nordstrom, but it's like twice a year! (Totally justifying Nordstrom right now)

I'm really not sure who or what's eating all our money... oh wait, maybe it's those 4 estrogen filled children running around our house!!!!!!! I swear, all they do is eat, and eat, and drink all the milk, and the juice, and then the clothes get stained, and it's 2 o'clock and they are on their 4th shirt of the day, and then the laundry soap, and the water for the laundry, and the baths, and then PGE bill and OH MY GOD STOP!

That's it, I'm blaming the kids. I feel better. Goodnight!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Um, what just happened?

5 more school days, and Izzy will be done with kindergarten! 5 more school days, and G will be done with JUNIOR YEAR! Holy crap! I'm going to have a 1st grader and a SENIOR in HIGH SCHOOL in my house in a few months!

Oh. My.

I seriously can't believe it. Tabby will be ONE next month! What the hell? It's like a hand, and hair standing up straight, and WOOSH! CRAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy!

Izzy had an outstanding kindergarten year. I was so impressed with her teacher this year, I asked her to teach 1st grade so that I'd know Izzy was in good hands. She laughed. I wasn't kidding. I've been doing a lot of volunteering at her school. D too. We love it. It keeps us busy, and keeps us in the know and known around school. I like that. I wish more parents got involved, but to each his own.

G has had a better year this go around. I'm hoping she really shines senior year. I really want to see her do good things after high school and I'm getting a tad worried that she's just not prepared to go out in the real world. She has definitely come a long way. I remember like it was yesterday, pulling up in front of D's old house, and out walked a little girl in a plaid skirt, polo shirt and pony tail. I drove her to kindergarten that day.

I can't believe I'm going to do that again 3 more times. Wow.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

babies are cool

I'm sitting here waiting for the baby to wake up. Funny that she decided NOW is a good time to nap! Considering I have a TON of stuff to do and she NEVER takes long naps these days. Bah.

Tabby's getting "bathtized"next weekend! That's how Izzy pronounces it. Not sure why she can't say BAP, but it's adorable so we won't even try to correct her. My last babe to get baptized. I am so happy, and so sad at the same time. Super emotional about all these "firsts" for her, but "lasts" for me. We gave away all the 0-6 month clothes and baby paraphernalia that we could find that we will never use, or need again. Swing, gone. Baby bouncer, gone. Baby bathtub, gone. (Insert tears here) She's such a little peanut, I loooooove her so much. Totally get the whole, BABY thing now. She's always going to be MY BABY. The little one, the last one, the youngest one. So blessed to have her here. She's totally completed our little family.

So now, it's me and D just figuring out how to raise all these crazy kids. Each one is totally different, totally unique, totally... awesome. It's very entertaining to watch the 3 little ones interact. Avery is such the little dominator. Already defending herself just like her mama. Izzy's the drama queen, and Tabby's the quiet one that just sits and stares at her crazy sisters like, "Oh man, I am sooo going to be the good one." I can hear Tabby now "duuuude mom's going to killlll you two!"

I can't wait. It's going to be so funny.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I never thought I'd love them...

And I can't stop watching them!!! Ahhhhhhh!

Reality Shows! Damn you Bravo and TLC and E! Evil evil little devils! I used to make fun of those crazy people who sat around at night and watched these lame shows, but they aren't lame! haha! They are like crack! I can't stop watching!!!

Like right now, I'm sitting here watching "Guiliana and Bill" on E! WHAT?!?! But I love them! They are like two D listers making money off ME! How cool am I for keeping their show on TV by watching marathons and TIVOing it! Actually, I don't TIVO them, but I DO TIVO "Keeping up with the Kardashians," and "Real Housewives of NY." But ONLY the NY chicks. The rest, are losers. Oh, god. Did I just acutally say that? Technically, no. I wrote it. So there.

I think it's really the train wreck factor. You want to look away, but you are afraid you'll miss something wildly entertaining, so you keep watching and watching and OH dang that was funny, so watch next week to see that train wreck again! It edidn't take me long at all to get hooked on those Kardashian sisters. And then one day, after their show was over, I just thought I'd watch a dab of Guiliana and Bill and again, hooked.

Next month the wives are coming! I am SO excited. And a bit of a loser. But, seriously! SO excited!!! Bethany rules!!!

Yeah yeah, I need to get a job or something.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

lots of things...

The start of this year sorta blew, and then it rained. For like 10 days straight.

Today, the sun came out.

And now I feel like I need to get off my butt and get in gear. Many friends need extra love right now. Wedding planning help, illnesses, new babies, dogs sick, lots of things. I have been trying to make sure to take care of other people besides our family. Food, cookies, cards, whatever they need. I feel like people need to know they are cared for by others. I like this. It makes me feel good. Selfless and selfish all at once.

Now I need to walk. Walk far. Walk for a good cause or two. I'm inspired. A friend I know is walking in the March of Dimes walk. I want to. The breast cancer 2 day walk is coming up. I want to.

I need to make this happen. I've always wanted to. Dang it. I will. If not both, I will do one. I need to start somewhere. I want to show the girls how much a difference, no matter how small, we can all make.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Weirdest feeling ever...

I'm a New Years baby. And in 30 years... I have NEVER gone and done anything remotely cool for my birthday. LAME! I know! I had never been out of my town for my birthday.

Man, that's never going to happen again.

D and my sister planned the most amazing birthday party for me. Complete with my two best friends coming in from Arizona and LA to be there. Pretty much awesome!!! Limo, dancing, drinks, friends, and even my parents came! The whole nine yards. It was incredible. I am a lucky girl. I've never had so much fun! And all our friends who came said it was the best New Year for them too! That made me happy!

And now I'm in my 30s. WOW. I got old quick. D and I have been together for 11 years. My ENTIRE 20s. I got married, had all my kids in my 20s. What the heck am I gonna do in my 30s? I can't even think about it. I'm like... old. But, not. It's... weird.

I'm just wondering what to do with myself now.