Monday, June 30, 2008

Butterflies don't have to go away.

I was talking to my sister the other day about this boy she'd been dating. Lets just say it's past tense now and the boy is pretty bitchy about it. Like, girly bitchy. No offense girls, but you know how we are when we've been scorned! So as we're going over the last conversation she had with bitch-boy, about how he WASN'T the one for her, and the myriad of reasons WHY this was the case, bitch boy threw one back in her face and it totally got me flipped for some reason.

Butterflies. You know, those fluttery, heart palpitating sheepishly giddy uncontrollable butterflies that you get when you are with THE ONE!

My sister told bitch boy he just never gave her the butterflies. Bitch boy in turn replied that eventually, the butterflies go away. They go away? Really? That's news to me! So far after almost ten years, and after all the bullshit D and I have been through I still get all tingly when he brushes up against me in the kitchen trying to reach past me for a glass. I still kick up my heel like in a cheesy love movie when he squeezes the small of my back while giving me a kiss. I still get all excited when I hear his voice on the other end of the phone line. Butterflies are like, the best part of love! And now some bitter bitch boy is making me wonder if they'll go away? NO WAY!!!

So now I'm thinking, are people seriously this disappointed in love? So disappointed that they honestly can sit there and say, YES the butterflies do go away! That's so sad. I mean, I've been in a few relationships where they did eventually go away, but that just reaffirmed to me that those relationships were clearly not meant to be! I suppose I'm lucky. I found my butterfly man YOUNG. Too young by many standards. Got married too young, had a kid too young. You know how that song goes.

I think some people feel like love should not be work. Some feel like it should just be this magical thing that is there and will conquer all no matter what. Pshhh. That's not real people! Love is hard WORK! Like that job you should be doing right now because you're not really getting paid to read blogs all day! Nothing just comes to you! If it did, I'd be a millionaire with huge boobs because I wished it so! IT just explains to me why the divorce rate is so high these days. Divorce is EASY! Marriage is HARD WORK. Granted I know a few people who have worked very hard to make the marriage work and it turns out that divorce for them was not so easy. I also know that in those cases there were no butterflies present!

Maybe this should be a clue to everyone. No butterflies, run screaming! It'll only end in DISASTER!!!

And now, my moment to gloat:

In your face SUCKERS! I still have butterflies! Neener, neener!

If I had a video camera you'd see my violently sticking my tongue out at you and wiggling my fingers to my ears right now.


Christina said...

I don't get them all the time but once in awile I will get the butterflies and it is a wonderful feeling. But even in between the rare butterfly moments I never doubt my love for my man. marraige is HARD WORK! You got that right!

Giddy. said...

Have I mentioned that I love you?

I've finally found those butterflies, and a year and a half later, all it takes is a glance or an innocent touch to make them all fluttery.

I hope they never go away. I never knew it could be so great.