Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Teenagers=drama=pain in my head=alcohol.

I mean, I really can't even explain it better than that. DRAMA IS PAINFUL!

I feel so sorry for my parents. Seriously. If I was like this 14 years ago, I would think they would have offed me. I have no patience for it!!!

Amazing that one person can live in their own selfish bubble of bliss and be totally idiotic about it!

I need more alcohol...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Just can't hide it!!!

I'm SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, technically... it's still Thanksgiving for 2.5 more hours, and THEN it's Christmas time! Yipeeeee!!!

For a period of time in my life, like between age 16-24 when I was a teenager, then a married person with no kids, I could care less about Christmas. But NOW! NOW! My kids think Christmas is the best thing on earth, and honestly so do I. Watching their faces, is the COOLEST thing! This year will be especially more fun because Avery is a bit older and she sort of has a clue about Christmas. That makes it that much more awesome! We're taking down all the decorations from the attic tomorrow, and then Izzy and I get to make a list of things that are broken, or what else we need more of, and then off to the store to get it! Yay!

I can't wait for Christmas. It's going to be the best Christmas ever. I've got my completed family of 6, and it's Tabby's 1st Christmas. Love love love love it!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

la la land

That's meeeee! Wheeee. La La Land. And I'm loving it.

I got made fun of for being a PTA mom last night. Did I defend myself? Nope. Why? Because I don't want to, or need to. I love it. I'm a big PTA loving dork, and I'm totally content with it. It feels GOOD! I get to be involved in my kid's school! Who the heck would not want to do that? Izzy gets to see me and D doing things at the school, doing things in her class, and enjoying it. I'm really hoping that she learns that volunteering is a great thing and that she is humbled by it one day. Frankly, I hope we all are. I wish more parents would volunteer. I wish everyone would volunteer. It's really a great thing.

Anywhoooo... off my little volunteer soap box.

Kids are great. D is great. Life is la la la lovely! We will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary next Monday. So awesome. I'm a little scared to leave the baby overnight, seeing as the kid will not take a bottle to save her life! Nana swears it's ok, and luckily it's only 24 hours. I figure eventually she will be hungry enough! (I hope). Not that I don't love breast feeding, but I'd prefer that she take a bottle now and then just for my sanity's sake!

We had our family photos done last week. A guy I know from high school met us at this park and took some fantastic shots. I have to pick from the 150 he gave me disk! Avery was a little turkey and protested the whole time. So it's really more like 30 shots I get to choose from. They still turned out adorable. It actually was perfect, there was an old fire truck parked outside this store, so we jumped on it and took a few family shots. So perfect for our little firehouse.

We're still working on getting a house. Slow process, but we're getting closer every day. I should really blog more often and maybe come up with something less boring to say...

And now I'm off to bed.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3 months... flew. by.

Happy three months of living on this planet, baby girl! Here's to at least 80 more years!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Quick update.

Tabitha is 8 weeks old today. WOW. Weird how she's not really two months old until next Monday, but whatever. You know there's 52 weeks in a year right? :) She's just the coolest baby. So happy, so calm, so... just awesome. Makes my job a lot easier. I'm just smitten. Smitten kitten. I love it. As I sit here typing Tabby is happily staring at the Barefoot Contessa and kicking her feet in the air on the floor. Such a good baby.

We're finally getting into the swing of kindergarten with Izzy, and dropping G at school on the way, and picking up, and who's doing what, when, where, how... oh if ONLY a certain teenager would get her freakin license so that we don't have to drive her all over town! But I'm not complaining or anything! I've got this new gig... PTA mom. Yeah, yeah... insert the word dork on my forehead. It's actually really fun! It's sort of nice to be involved in my kid's school and have a roll in what happens there. I have always done the staff appreciation stuff at G's school, but I actually have a Board position at Izzy's school. I went to my first council meeting last week. It's a wonderful thing to be in a community where people are so concerned about what happens in our district. I've heard terrible things from other people in some surrounding cities like "What's PTA?" Whaaaat? Umm ok.

Izzy started playing soccer, and let's just say... well she hates it. I mean seriously. She gets excited for about 5 minutes and then pouts and cries and sits on the sidelines. Ick. So far two games in a row she's done this. It's funny, but it's not. Not sure how to handle it exactly. We're trying something different this weekend and hopefully she'll do better. I think she'll do better at DRAMA!

Avery will be 2 years old next month. Can you believe it!? TWO! Insane. She's such a sweet kid. Such a little lover like her daddy. Makes me so happy.

And G is... well G is a teenager and while I'd like to say something positive, I'd be lying right now so I'll say nothing! She's trying, and I'm trying not to be so negative. Just UGH! That's all.

D is wonderful. He's just a wonderful husband. So supportive, and so sweet. Could not have asked for a better dude.

(And oh my gosh whatever Ina Garten just made looks sooo yummy!)

I'm multitasking!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

I have a husband?

I'm not bitter or anything... I'm TRYING not to be bitter!

I get my husband back tomorrow. After 10 days of torture. 10 days of strike team HELL! Thank you LA fires!

Seriously I don't know how military wives do it. 10 days of a teenager, a 5 year old, a 22 month old, and a 5 week old (all female, mind you)...enough to cause mental harm to a 29 year old woman! Oh the agony! The pain! The horror!

We lived. I suppose. One ear infected child, and a newborn with a cold later, we lived.

I DO NOT wish to do this again any time soon... YA GOT THAT D?

Monday, August 10, 2009

ummm what just happened?

So I had another baby. Another baby. Another GIRL baby. Two weeks ago. And she is the most precious thing ever.


Oh and now we have FOUR kids. Four. Four kids.

Let me just wrap my head around that for a minute.

I have 3 girls under the age of FIVE for the next 14 days. Then I'll have 3 girls under 6, and a teenager in my house.

Oh. My. Word.

Overwhelmed much? So overwhelmed in fact that D who was supposed to be on "family leave", has now turned his 3 weeks of paternity leave into "D runs away at any chance he can get leave"! I don't blame him. I suppose. If I wasn't a human bottle for the baby I'd probably have run away a few times already myself. He's tired, I'm tired, there's enough estrogen in this house to start our own liberation movement. Did I mention that I'm trying not to be jealous of the fact that he CAN run away!

On top of having a baby, our Nana passed away. Well, D's Nana to be more precise. She was my most favorite grama ever. She was D's second mom. She was just awesome. I mean, we named our first born after her! She was just.... awesome. Not even twelve hours after we brought our baby home from the hospital, grama was gone. We knew it was her time, she had been sick for a few years. For the whole month of July she had been in and out of the hospital, and D had finally found her fantastic at home care, but it was just too late.

See, every time we have a baby, one of his grandparents pass away. It's that vicious circle of life. When I was pregnant with Izzy, Grampa Victor passed away two months before my due date. After I had Avery, Grampa Bahta passed away three months to the day of her birth, and Avery never got to meet him. And then Nana. We so so so thought she would be around for a few more years at least. At LEAST. But God had other plans. I think for D, not being there when she passed was good and bad. He said goodbye to her the day before I went into labor. He knew. I was so hoping she coulf just see the baby once before she passed. My wonderful sister-in-law showed her a picture from her phone and told grama her name, and then she went to sleep and never woke up again. It just sucked. Still sucks. Just blah.

Needless to say, we've had a rough few weeks. Sooooo bittersweet.

More later...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ahhhh life is good.

So I'm still pregnant. News Flash. And surprisingly I'm ok with it. I mean, this is the last time I'll be pregnant ever again so I'm really not in a rush to totally alter mine and the kids lives any earlier than need be. Of course it's the perfect time being summer and with G and Iz not in school yet. Avery I'm sure will have the most trouble with it because she is SUCH a MAMA's GIRL! Good lord! Hopefully the new baby will be a daddy's girl so she can fight with Izzy and Avery won't get all grumpy about it. Avery is just like D. Needs LOTS of snuggles and cuddles and loves. She is so sweet though, I love it. Izzy's more.... well whiney about it. (Which I really have no patience for, but I'm trying!)

Thursday will be 18 months D's been with the department and oh ALSO HIS LAST OFFICIAL DAY OF PROBATION! YIPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I am so proud of that guy it's unbelievable. He truely has done everything he ever stood for, and then some. He gives me the strenght to believe I can do whatever I want! I didn't think it was possible to love that guy anymore, but it just reaffirms my faith in him. He's wonderful.

So besides D's grama being sick and us dealing with that (which I will not get into because I don't want to aggrivate my way into labor) life is good. We are great, everyone is happy and healthy and there's not much more I can ask for.

And that's my update for this week! More surprises to come!!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tired, can't sleep.

Tired, can't sleep. Do those words go together? NO!

I'm so tired!!! Yet, here I sit. Watching the news, dreading going to bed. Ever tried to get comfortable with a 36 1/2 week old baby in your belly? It's hard enough to SIT! Nearly impossible to actually lie down. And the heartburn and indigestion are enough for me to literally be a fire breathing dragon! I haven't tried sleeping on the couch yet, but I hate sleeping out here with all the lights off! It's DARK and I'm a chicken!

3 more weeks. 3 more glorious weeks. And I swear, if this baby doesn't COME out on her own when it's TIME, I'm going to scream. I'd love for at least one of my children to not have to be forced out of my womb! Please? I mean I really don't think it's too much to ask!

I'm trying to take it easy now. My feet and hands are starting to swell and it huuuuuuurts. I stole some frozen broccoli out of my sister's freezer today and stood on the bag. Oh it felt so good! It's the finer things in life... like standing on frozen broccoli! Got my hair did today, and my toes. I'll probably have to go get my toes done one more time before the baby, but my hair will look fabulous!

I'm working on parties. Trying to get stuff done for things before the baby comes. Got to get Izzy's bday invites out soon. Finally got a matress today for baby's crib, and my wonderful mommy bought a new bouncy chair so the baby has somewhere besides the swing to sit. Car seat is all sewn and ready to go, just need to install the base, but that will be so quick. We've done it a few times now! I just have to put it in the trunk! I'm trying to revel in the fact that I can sit up til 11 typing and watching TV, because that won't happen for a while after baby comes.

Oh and we changed her name again. Well... just the middle name. She will be the only one without a GWTW middle name. But eh... I'm ok with it. I just did NOT like any of the names left from the movie and since we already nicknamed her, we're sticking with the inititals.

And of course now that I'm ready to go to bed, baby has decided to begin her nightly session of gymnastics in my belly. This should be entertaining for the next hour or so!

Good night!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

One more month!

One more month and my man will no longer be a PROBATIONARY FIREFIGHTER! Yay!!!!!!!! And if I wasn't carrying a basketball in my belly, and I didn't have this ridiculous pain in my leg from possible phlebitis, I'd be really excited!

(I'm totally writing this while watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey so I'm totally spacing. This is an awesome fight! I freakin love Theresa!)

Izzy is now a preschool graduate. She's on her way to kindergarten come August. Conveniently she turns 5 the DAY before school starts. Awesome. G slid through sophomore year and is now working at the pool all summer and will be starting her junior year the same day as Izzy starts kinder. A junior in high school, and a kindergartner... oh and a 1 year old and a newborn. Uhhh what? How in the heck?

We're making some changes in the house this weekend. We've put the whole house hunting on hold for the time being because the interest rates went up and well... ouch. Not worth it. So we'll be moving Izzy into Avery's room and turning her room into a playroom/nursery. Of course the baby won't be in there for a while, but I want to get Izzy and Avery all acclimated before the new one comes, and before school starts. I think they'll be ok. We'll have to change up Izzy's bedtime routine, but I think she'll be ok. She hates sleeping by herself so I think she'll be happy to have Avery in the room with her. Avery on the other hand... is going to wake Izzy up EARLY! It should be fun. She likes to yell in the morning into the monitor, or make funny noises and laugh. I know I'll be hearing "Izzy wake up!" over and over again. It should be funny. They'll have fun playing with all their toys in one location, and I'll be happy that there's not crap all over the house!

D's a stress case and a half. He's got a lot of work to do before probation is over... and well if I haven't mentioned before, D is a HUGE procrastinator. HUGE. Like worse than my sister. Sorry sis. So he's making his life harder, therefore stressing me out, and stressing the kids out. Fun. I love my procrastinator. Really. I do. Just keep repeating that mantra in my head.

I was really hoping we'd be all moved before the new munchkin arrived, but ya know... it's just not our time yet. I'm ok with it. I don't want to settle for a house I am not in love with. Everything will fall into place when it's time.

5 1/2 more weeks and this kid will be here. (Please let it be more like 3 weeks) Wishful thinking. It will never happen.

Monday, May 25, 2009


9 more glorious weeks and I'll have released this beast from my loins! Hallelujah!

Understand that I am only slightly freaking out about the fact that I have NOTHING ready for this kid. I suppose 9 weeks is plenty of time to yell at D to get all the baby stuff down from the attic, but there's still diapers, nursing stuff, baby bath stuff... oh and getting Avery off the bottle! The other day when we couldn't find my newest nephew's bottle, we opted to use one of Avery's and Oh My Lord... I thought her head was going to explode. Nana couldn't get to her fast enough before she had yanked it out of Luke's mouth and popped it into hers screaming the whole time "MY BABA!" Ode to the future....

I will have 2 children in diapers. This, I never wanted to happen in my LIFE. I'm rolling with it. I don't think I could get Avery comfortably potty trained in 9 weeks and then have the baby come and her not revert back. THAT would suck.

And did I mention I have no place to put this kid? Our house is full. We were hoping we would have moved by now but we are still waiting to hear about one of the offers we put in, and have a back up on another. So I doubt in 9 weeks we'll be anywhere but here. We'll have the baby in our room for a while, but then what? Not looking forward to bunking Izzy and Avery. And I have no where to put the baby's stuff! The diapers, the clothes, the ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I wanted to get a new dresser but I have no where to put it! So I guess I'll be rearranging my dresser temporarily to put baby stuff in. I don't want to invade the girls space until I absolutely have to.

And laughably, I could totally have another one, IF we had a bigger house. D says NO. He's already prepared for the snip snip. He says if he has 5 kids he'll die. HAHA. So if we are done, that's fine. As long as this one comes out healthy, I couldn't be happier. I'm ok with never being pregnant again. I guess. It's just that my kids are so cute! :)

I need to go shopping.

Monday, May 11, 2009


So it's like half way through May already? Sort of. It's seriously insane how fast time is going! I have less than 11 weeks before the new baby comes! WOW! And a little more than 9 weeks of D being on probation! Yipeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

D's been on a strike team for the last 6 days! Big fire in Santa Barbara. I'm afraid this state is going to burn down before summer at this rate! He gets to leave Santa Barbara today and come home tonight to sleep, then back to his regular shift tomorrow. Pooh, but whatever. A few hours with him is enough to tide us all over til Thursday! I can't complain too much. A few of my girlfriends husbands have been gone for months and one almost a whole year on his tour of Iraq. I know I'm lucky to only have missed him for a week or so. The kids, don't understand and are all in a tizzy. Especially Izzy. Maybe I'll change her name to Tizzy! :)

We didn't get one of the houses we put an offer on. Not necessarily a bad thing. We are the back up offer if the first one falls through. And the other house that we really liked... the mortgage company that owns it LAGS like a turtle! We signed that offer well over a month ago and have heard NOTHING! Our Realtor insists this is the game the banks are playing. It's obnoxious. But we're fine for now. It would be nice to move before Izzy starts kindergarten in August, but you know, when the time is right it will all work out. Renting isn't killing us. It's just not investing us either.

The girls are awesome. G's been having a rocky time the last month or so, but summer is coming and she'll be very busy working at the pool again. Out of my hair, and earning MONEY!

And my Topsy Turvy is GROWING! I haven't black thumbed it yet!!! I'm very excited about this. I've never kept a plant alive, let alone actually GROWN something from nothing! Totally awesome. We'll see if it actually produces a tomato or two!

Life is good... life is very good. I'm just happy to be content right now. Couldn't ask for much more.....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cooking with Izzy

So have I mentioned how much my kid loves to cook? And eat? I mean she will pretty much eat anything we give her... with the exception of a few vegetables. It's pretty amazing.

So we picked up a how to kit on sushi the other day when we were at the bookstore. Izzy LOVES avocado rolls. I mean BIG HEART love. So we thought we'd try to make our own. Went to the store today and bought the nori (seaweed paper) and some vinegar for the rice. Busted out the how to kit and we were well on our way! Daddy took the reins on the fist attempt and uhhh the book mistakenly told us to cut the nori in half. Uhhh this makes for very small sushi that does not seal.

Exhibit A: A little mushy...

So we said to heck with the book and made it up as we went along.

Ahhhh... very impressive. D is a whiz at the sushi making! He got his first avocado rolls perfect!

Izzy even made her own!

I got creative and put some carrots in mine... and D thought it would be funny to add some paper garnish to make it look all professional.

YUM!!! We'll have to master the veggies before we move on to fish and other things. Isn't my kid so cute?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hard to breathe... and move.. and pick up kid.

Fat. Pregnant. Getting harder to waddle, much less move. Picking up Avery... no fun. Pain. Back. Owwwwwiiiiiiiiiiiiieeee. 27 weeks... still have a lot of time to get fatter. Wondering how to explain to 18 month old that mommy is too fat to bend over and pick her up. The next few months should be very interesting!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Making a deal... with the devil?

If I knew the devil... I'd do it. Right now. In a heartbeat.

Isn't that terrible?

I know it's our fault. I know I should have gone back to work and tried to help dig us out of debt. I knew it would come back to bite me in the ass one day. The ability to stay home with my kids, pay our bills (but not pay DOWN our bills), and live like we did when D and I were both working... is more than wonderful. I absolutely hated my job. I was lucky to be laid off at the perfect time.

I've been home with the kids and with D for almost two years and do I regret it? Not for a second. My kids need me, my husband needs me, and frankly I need them. I'm perfectly content being "just a stay-at-home-mom," or whatever you want to call it. I love it. Never thought I would, but I do.

So now, we "thought" we were ready to buy a house. The market is awesome, perfect for us. We found this awesome AWESOME house that we could totally see ourselves in. We totally got approved for a loan too! We could afford the payments, but there's this one.. thing... It's called our GIANT debt. We've managed to run it up quite a bit since I haven't been working as I'm sure most Americans have, but it just totally sucks! The big contingency is that we have to "borrow" the amount of our debt from someone to make the loan stick. Uhhh... easier said than done. I mean. we've resorted to playing $1 dollar quick picks every Wednesday and Saturday in the hopes that the lotto fairy will bless us with just enough money to pay down our debt and give us a nice down payment.

Maybe when the baby comes I can donate some eggs or something... I hear you can make a good profit!

Oh magic money fairy... take pity on us so that we don't have to find a devil to make a deal with! We don't want to be stuck renting for the rest of our lives!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


So that baby name poll that I put up... well we decided we don't like any of those names. haha.

We are dorks. I think we found one we like but we aren't sharing. Or at least... I'm not. D however has a large mouth so we'll see.

Things have been crazy here. The girls are nuts, schedules are nuts, D's work has been crazy. Just everything is nuts. And through all of this, I'm having the ickiest pregnancy. Just uncomfortable, moody, very... out of sorts. Like seriously, alien invasion. With Izzy I was so happy to be pregnant I don't think I stopped to even think about how uncomfortable I was. I was just happy. With Avery, I was sick as a dog for 4 months straight and then exhausted. And then the water weight. Oh the pain. That was awful. But the two hours of labor made it all better!

This one however, dude. Just seriously happy I'm not going to do this again. My thighs are huge, my butt is huge, my belly is HUGE. If one more relative tells me how BIG I look all of a sudden, I'm going to crawl into a hole for the next 16 weeks until the kid comes out. The indigestion is painful enough now that I'm sleeping sitting up all night. I'm already out of breath just walking to the park. And picking up Avery all day and chasing after her and Izzy is agonizing on my back.

I will be very happy when this kid is out of my body. I'll take the sleepless nights with a newborn over sleepless pregnant nights any day!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Help us name our baby!!!

Help us name this unborn child!!!!! Vote for your favorite name so we can at least narrow it down!!! Click on the link and vote for your favorite!

Baby Girl Carrion

Monday, March 9, 2009

Another day, another GIRL!

Dear lord... what have we gotten ourselves into? haha!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Totally random thoughts...

Our world is crazy. It's just crazy.

D and I just started looking to buy a house. We decided now's the time since the market will slump probably just a little more and slowly start to pick up. There's a lot of homes for sale in our town and we don't want to leave here. G's in school, Izzy will be in school, and frankly my family is here and we are very happy. So we are just going with the flow. No rush, but today we actually went and looked at a few houses with our trusty Realtor Tom. They say buying a house is one of the most stressful things a person can do. And seriously... I think especially right now, it's just.... it's intense. The amount of foreclosed, bank owned, REO homes, even in a "wealthy" area like where we live are out of control. And going in to these houses and wondering what happened to the family that used to live there, is just bizarre.

And really really sad.

I mean, the first BAD sign was literally just that. A sign posted in the front window saying "NO TRESPASSING!" And giving a list of authorized people to view the home. And then once we got past the front door you see just total turmoil. And as Tom put it, these people are literally yanked out of their house by the police and forced to take whatever they can and not come back. There was furniture left, appliances, clothes, even baby socks. It was so depressing. You could tell from the partially replaced floors and half painted walls when the family must have lost a job, or ran out of money and couldn't afford to continue on finishing their work let alone pay their mortgage. And they just had to up and leave. The house that they had probably lived in for a few years. The house that they probably got a killer loan on a few years back and were only paying interest payments on for a while until their rates got doubled or tripled and they were left with nothing. The house that their kids called "home."

And the bank just came and took it away. And that house, and all the other houses we saw and will see, just sit there. Vacant. No one living there. A family thrown out of their home and forced to go god knows where. For what? For months and months and months of the banks getting no money at all and no one coming to buy up the house that isn't even livable?

I just don't understand why. I just don't get it. Who the hell let this happen to all these people? And why isn't anyone doing anything about it? And it's not even over yet! Trusty Realtor Tom said it's probably going to be 6 more months of sliding house prices. You have got to be kidding me.

Does that Obama really think his stimulus is going to do ANYTHING? Because it's not. And there are going to be more and more defenseless families out on their butts for no reason at all. Because the banks.... are A-holes.

Sunday, February 8, 2009


There is nothing worse than waiting. I always lie awake at night wondering if I'm going to get a call that D's been injured at work, or worse. It's a major anxiety thing I have. And often, when G is at her mother's house, I worry about the same things. Don't ask me why, but it's one of those things... if I can't see you in my house and you aren't safely asleep, I worry.

So when D's cell phone rang at 11:30ish I was half asleep and so was he. Then the message alarm went off and woke us both up. We must have known something was wrong. It was G's mom calling leaving a cryptic vague message and of course I'm listening on the other side of his head so I hear "Head," "Emergency Room." EARS PERKING UP! Naturally D calls back and one of the nurses (who we happen to know) picks up G's mom's cell and I can hear more words like "disoriented," "jumped out of a car going maybe 15 mph," "CT scan."

I've never seen my husband move so quickly in his life.

And now I'm waiting. It's nearly an hour later and I'm waiting. Waiting to hear what is happening, more importantly what HAPPENED, and MOST importantly, IS MY KID OK?????

My first instinct was to run out the door with him, but the babies are asleep and I don't want to wake up my mom or get my sister riled up if I don't have to. So I'm wide awake. Shaking. A little. Freaking out, a lot. Praying. I absolutely hate this.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Third one... new rules?

Am I smoking something or something? I mean. I've been pregnant twice before and I always THOUGHT the 2nd trimester started at 13 weeks.

Uhhh... not so says Babycenter.com

I get these email updates every week about my pregnancy. You know, how big the baby is now, what it's doing, how now in my 14th week I should just start showing.. HA! Oh and ALSO how 14 weeks is the start of the 2nd trimester? Como? Whhhaaat? Hold on, hold on. OK so maybe I just assumed with the other two that you know, after 12 weeks, when 3 months is passed that I'm no longer in my 1st trimester. I mean I know I know, 40 weeks, but still... dude. Way to throw a mama off! Did I never notice this before with my girls or did someone all of a sudden decide that 14 weeks is the NEW 2nd trimester?

What the heck. So TODAY I am now in my 2nd trimester. Not last week like I thought. Whatever.

I still feel like barfing so it doesn't matter anyway.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Yay for D!

So proud of my husband. D was officially sworn in last night. He got a nifty little badge that I got to pin on his very expensive Class A jacket. haha. He was so cute. The whole family came. My parents, his parents, siblings, kids and all. It was wonderful.

He was so nervous before the ceremony that I thought he might pee or something. He couldn't find his badges (left them at his station) then he had the wrong hat, got a patch sewn on his jacket that wasn't supposed to be there, but he was such a good sport. Grinned and bared it! The guys in the department are seriously WONDERFUL. They are all so friendly and welcoming, and their wives and families are awesome. It's a perfect fit for D, and us. He absolutley loves it!

It's taken him such a long time to achieve his dream and I could not be happier for him. He's so supportive of everything I want to do, I hope I haven't been too much of a pain in the ass. Being a firefighter's wife is freakin fantastic. He's an incredible guy. I absolutley adore him. I am very proud.