Thursday, December 22, 2011

So annoying.

I know this is so lame, but if I ever told my husband he was "so annoying" as much as any Kardashian tells their husband/boyfriend that, I'd expect to be single.  It's SO RUDE.  Even if it's joking.  It's just mean. 

And I know I'm ridiculous because it's the Kardashians.  I know I'm not always sunshine to my hubby but dude, dude, DUDE.  Be respectful.  Please? 

Happy I'm married to a respectful person.  I should be a little nicer to him I think.  I love that guy.  For sure.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Gingerbread swirl cake with maple icing

Normally, I don't like gingerbread cake or cookies.  They are always just so overpowering and weird.  BUT I love the smell.  So I thought I'd try something new. I love the boxed gingerbread cake mix that Trader Joes sells this time of year.  So I buy 4 or 5 and the kids and I make cookies out of them and decorate them to give to the neighbors.  But this year I wanted to do something different.  Call it, change!

So I'm writing this on my blog for next year so I remember what I did.  Because, it, was, amazing.

And so freakin easy.Bonus!

 For the cake:
1 box gingerbread cake mix
1 box yellow cake mix (I used pillsbury)
*Follow directions to prepare both cake batters in separate bows.

In a greased 13x9 pour in the yellow cake batter. Pour the gingerbread cake batter over the top of the yellow cake batter.  Use a knife to swirl the cakes together and make sure to lift up on the knife to really get it mixed.  Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes or until the toothpick trick.  Cool on a wire rack and then turn over onto a platter for icing.

For the icing:

3 tablespoons of maple syrup (or 1/2 that of maple flavor)
1 cup of confectioners sugar
splash of milk.

Mix together until smooth and not too runny.  If it's too runny add more sugar.

Pour over the COOLED cake.  Cut into squares and eat heaven.

Seriously.  YUM!

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Sometimes I really want to shake my child and yell: YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO AMOUNT TO ANYTHING IF YOU DON'T EAT YOUR VEGETABLES!!!!!

But that would be wrong... right?!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


At the end of this month, D and I will be married for 9 years.  NINE years.  It seems so long.  And we're not even old!  We got married young!  I'm still trying to figure out how that happened so fast.  Lived in 4 places, dealt with a teenager, had 3 kids, went through a lot of crap, and some seriously amazing amazing wonderful times.  And the most wonderful part, the good outweighs the bad 100 fold.  I swear.  I'm sure that's why we work so well.  Because no matter how crappy, we can over come it and it just gets better.  It is truly amazing.  Never thought I could be so happy with one person.  It's so cliche!

Watching our friends, and family members go through tumultuous relationships, and ultimately get divorced I think has actually made us work harder at our relationship.  Not because we don't want to end up like them, but well, yes! Because we don't want to end up like them!  Everyone thinks that marriage is easy and you just sit back and pick your nose and if it works then it works.  It's just not true.  It's sometimes nasty knock down drag out fights, cries, screams, time alone, talking, lots of talking, and working on ourselves and our relationship.  It's just not that we got lucky.  Seriously.  It's that we give a shit.  Because when you don't give a shit, you get just that; shit. 

I'm trying to figure out what to do for our anniversary.  We trade off years so that we both get a chance to plan our anniversaries.  It's fun.  I learned that little tid bit from my parents.  We like to take a little time to ourselves, nothing big.  Although D would probably like to go a way for more than 2 nights without the kids.  I can't do that yet.  I'm a big weenie.  So it'll be something... I've got a little something up my sleeve.  And, it's the day before Thanksgiving so we'll be going early.  

But I think I'll try to make this a month long celebration.  Because really, we are amazing.  And I love love love that husband of mine.  I am a lucky girl.  I can't wait for another 9 years of bliss, and then one day we'll look back and it'll be 59 years of bliss.  Happy!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Coming along...

Exciting things are happening with mommy in the next couple months!  I'm well on my way into developing a business plan, and setting the wheels in motion!  So exciting!! 
Trying to get so much squared away, it's crazy how much you have to do to get a business license.  Plus we have 50 million things going on this month.  I am guessing I will have everything smooth and ready January 1.  And this time, there is NO backing down.  I am making a promise to myself that I WILL get my business license, I will get my training done, and I WILL get my business off the ground in 2012.  There's no time like the present and the present is NOW!
I had the best wedding last weekend, and it really made me realize, that now the kids are capable of hanging with daddy for a night so that mommy can work and do something she loves!  They survived, daddy survived, and mommy didn't feel too guilty.  And that was amazing.  And I got some fantastic referrals! 
Go me!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

10 years...

10 years ago tomorrow.  You know what I was doing? 

At 6AM I woke up with my hubby (then boyfriend) , watched him put on his Cal Fire uniform, drove him over to his grandparents house to borrow a car while his was in the shop, kissed him goodbye, drove back home and turned on Good Morning America.  And pretty much after that... my life and every single American's lives were changed forever. 

I never got up before 6:30am.  EVER.  So it was odd that I was wide awake and watching the news.  We had heard some scuttle on the radio in the short car ride to D's grandparents, but we weren't sure what was going on so dismissed it pretty quickly.  We had no idea what was unfolding 3 hours ahead of us in New York.  I sat there and watched the first tower burn and thought, man that's a nasty fire.  That just doesn't seem right.  No one even mentioned "terrorists."  It wasn't a word that was used very often 10 years ago.  And then as I watched the live feed, a crazy feeling came over me, as I watched a plane turn right, cock it's wings so that it was sideways, and ram right into tower 2.  I can still feel myself watching it like it just happened.  And I sat there.  And sat a little more.  And then I realized that MY DAD was in Chicago in the Sears Tower and Oh my God they just blew up the Pentagon, and Oh my God another plane just crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. 
I called my mom who was still sleeping and told her to call my dad and get him the hell out of there!  Luckily he was already being evacuated. 

And why the world was changing, and people were watching in complete horror, you know what my husband was doing?  He was going to work.  He was listening on the radio, driving his hour and half commute, in his uniform, and he kept driving.  And he drove to work, and he stayed there.  For four days he stayed there.  He stayed even though 343 firefighters died that day.  He stayed as EMS and Police and human life died that day.  And 10 years later, you know where he is?  He's in a different uniform, but he's still there.  And to me, that makes him the bravest person on my earth.  Because he stayed.  He knew his fate.  After 9/11 I saw a light in his eye that I had never seen before and I knew his destiny was clear.  And I could not be more proud of the man I call my husband. 

I am a proud wife of a firefighter/EMS provider.  And I grieve every day for those who lost a loved one on 9/11.  But I am so grateful for those brave men and women who helped so many escape.  Those who like my husband, did not run, but they stayed.  Just as I know my husband would have if he had been there. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

One left

I have one left.  ONE.  One little person permanently at home with me, for now.  Av started pre school today.  I don't even know how it happened.  Seriously.  She turns four next month and I think so far, her aging has been the quickest for me.  And I think it's because I've been home the entire time she's been alive, and even before she was actually physically out of my body ALIVE.  I got laid off in July 4 years ago, and she was born that October.  So, for me this was a hard one to swallow.  I got to be there when Iz started school. But I missed a lot of the first 3 years of her life because I worked.  And daddy did everything with her.  So much that I can't even remember what she was like the first 3 years.  And I HATE that.  But I remember every tiny remotely insignificant thing about Avery since the day she was born.  So dropping her off at school today, and her nudging me toward the door, was no surprise.  Her not crying at all, not even looking back, no surprise.  And I died a little inside.  Because my middle baby just left me!  And then after I died a little, I was so proud.  Because she is such an amazing little girl.  So loving, so independent, soooo sweet and so great with a tiny bit of fire in her.  She may look just like me, but she has the most amazingly wonderful heart like her daddy.  She loves talking to people, is not shy, is so charismatic.  Just such a sweet kid.

And now 5 days a week, I have a kid that I don't see from 8:40-3:05.  And then 2 days a week, my Av goes to school from 9-11:30.  Next year, she'll be in school until 1.  Bittersweet is putting it mildly.  I've got my Tabby here for another year or so, and then she's off to preschool.  This is a clear indication that I AM GETTING OLD AND MY KIDS ARE GOING TO LEAVE ME ONE DAY.

And I just died a little more inside... 

Friday, July 1, 2011

I sometimes freak out...

Sometimes when I get certain cravings I freak out. Like today, when I had a sudden major craving for vegetable Lumpia from this place in town, I immediately was all: Holy crap self! How could you be pregnant?!? And then I realized... duh. Aint possible. And THANK GOD.

Three kids is enough. Seriously. Even having that 4th stray step is enough to pull my hair out of my legs for a fun time. It's painful, but way less irritating and nauseating sometimes!

And then add to that there is always a stray child, a niece a nephew, a friend, a play date... etc. Annnnnd there's those leg hairs again. Yep, still more fun. Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my kids. I'd do anything for them, and I love my nieces and nephews but duuuuuuuuuuuuude, mama needs more than a 2 hour nap to calm the nerves. I think this whole not being at school summer crap is getting under my skin, and you know that sad part? It's only been like 2 weeks! No! It can't be! Seriously. Year round schools. Let's do this State of California!

It's not just me either, it's the kids. They are lost without structure. They don't know what to do with themselves just sitting around all day, PLAYING AND HAVING FUN! That is so not cool! We want school back!

I do. So bad. Too bad we have like 9 weeks left. (Insert BIG sigh)

Thursday, June 2, 2011

This stuff shakes my core...

I'll admit, I'm a total fraidy-cat. I was NEVER EVER EVER afraid of anything before D got hired as a firefighter. It brought out every anxiety driven painful awful gut wrenching fear in my gut that I never even knew I had. I will no longer fly because I'm so afraid that I might die, and then the girls will be left with daddy, and WHAT IF HE DIES?!?! I'm pretty sure there's a pill for this (enter Prozac) but I'm trying to figure out how to overcome it without the happy pills.

And then there's days like these, where all my fears push and pull and tear at my heart and my soul and reaffirm my anxiety. And it sucks.

There are no words to describe the pain that I feel for this family that lost their brother today. No words. The family at SFFD, and the firefighter's family. An awful tragedy. Awful.

Rest In Peace Brother.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Aveeno Junkie

As I was showering this morning, I noticed something odd. I washed my hair with Aveeno moisturizing shampoo and conditioner, and then washed my body with Aveeno body wash, washed my face with Aveeno face wash, and then I shaved my legs, with Aveeno shave gel. After I got out of the shower and put on my Aveeno face lotion! And when I went to bathe the small ones, yep... Aveeno baby wash. Dude.

Um, when did I become a brand whore? When seriously, I turned 30 and my skin turned sensitive and old apparently, and Aveeno is the only product in the world that doesn't cost a katrillion dollars and is AMAZING. Seriously. So far, I love all of it. Ever since I started using their new shampoo, my hair is stronger, shinier and it's GROWING finally! And my face started breaking out recently, because I don't know... adult acne is kicking in? So I started using the face wash and it is wonderful! I've used the face lotion for 10 years now probably, and just recently switched to the sensitive skin kind because again, weird old face now. I know I'm totally going on a ridiculous rant about a brand, but TRY IT! You'll like it! I promise!

I could be the National spokesperson for Aveeno with the amount of products I've been using from them! I'm counting at least 2 hands and one foot of Aveeno stuff that I have. CRAZY. Ridiculous. Pretty amazing.

Now if they'd only start selling make up...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

HRH formerly known as...

Don't call me Audra anymore. Call me HRH. As in Her Royal Highness. Whhhaaat? Something wrong? I think it's awesome. And jeez, a girl can dream! Can't I?

This past week there was a wedding. Not just any wedding, but the wedding. THE Wedding. Of Prince William to Kate Middleton. And now that they are married, she's referred to as HRH. That is pretty frickin awesome. I want it. I'm stealing it. That's my new name and I'm sticking to it. For now.

The wedding was sooo amazing. And quick. My kind of wedding. Little ceremony, LOOOONG party. What blew me away and is still blowing me a way, is that wedding gown. Oh my gosh. That gown. It was perfect. In one fell swoop, Kate has changed the entire wedding industry. And I couldn't be happier. Bringing it back to modern, sleek, traditional. Clean. I love it. And oh my gosh, that dress designer Sara Burton of Alexander McQueen. She just made her mark on the world forever. That woman needs some serious kudos. I don't think anyone expected a dress like that. Oh and the lace, the lace. The long sleeves. And the sweetheart neck. Oh man. Breathtaking. I could go on and on. But here's some pictures, so I can shut up.

Tiny pictures. Sorry. But you get the idea.

So anyway... because I'm all over the place. I'm back on my wedding planning stint. Will and Kate inspired me to get off my butt and do something about it. Gracias Will and Kate. Signed, HRH

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just call me Martha...

I have seriously been a baking fool this month. I think it's because we have been stuck inside since it's rained 22 out of the 27 days of March. BOO! Usually I love the rain, but I swear to God it has rained and rained, and RAINED since we moved in back in October. Talk about a drag. I am so sick of this rain! So baking. Wonderful baking. Sort of a fun task to do since the weather sucks and it's cold. Nothing like trying to proof dough in the cold wet weather. But, alas I will say, I have mastered this yeast nemesis of mine, and made it my B&$%#!

I have always been intimidated by bread and rolls, and pretty much anything that requires yeast. It has never been my friend in the past. Apparently I've found some sort of patience, because really the only thing required for yeast, is that. Patience. Seriously. That's the BIG secret. It's always been a requirement of mine to be able to mix some stuff together, bake it, and eat it. But yeast is a whole different ball game. It requires sitting, and rising, and sitting some more, and the right temperature, and blah blah. AND then after it sits, and rises, you have to usually do something to it, and then let it sit and rise AGAIN! Jeez! So my 20 minute prep, 20 minute bake, 20 second eat, is out the window. It's more like 3 hours. But it has been passing the time for me and I'm in love. I don't think I'll ever buy whole wheat bread again. Because I am a skilled bread maker! AND I made The Pioneer Woman's cinnamon rolls from heaven, so I'll also never have to buy those cinnamon rolls out of the tube again!

Plus the kids love it, and they like to help when my OCD lets them. I'm going to need a heavy duty mixer though, because yesterday the KitchenAid started smoking during the kneading. A key indication that I have baked way too much this month. I guess I'll just knead by hand now. Good muscle toning. I bought a couple more cook books off Amazon to try out my yeast skills. I am salivating waiting for them to show up in the mail!

I am proud of myself. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm getting good at this baking thing! Woot! And I'm getting out of my funk, which is excellent for my health. I feel great!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Normal. Somewhat

Things I would really like to be again. Normal! Or, somewhat. Whatever I was BEFORE I got sick and then sick again, and now sick AGAIN! Seriously. I understand buying a home is supposed to be one of the most stressful times in one's life, but hello. Bought the house. Lived here for 4 months. Can we get on with it? Between me and the kids and the husband, one of us has been some kind of sick since January. And right before we bought the house, I was sick enough to warrant a trip to the urgent care clinic. Then there was the New Years fiasco and a trip to the ER. Then the kids got sick. Then we all got lice, then the little ones got sick. Do you get my drift here?

I am on day 7 of being sick again. And it's not like a cold, cough cough sick. It's like a lying on my death bed sick. Like, blood test, pee test and yes, stool test sick. O.M.G. Honestly. I have never in my life been this sick before for so long. Even the nurse at the doctor's office said "You again," upon my arrival there today to pick up my lab paperwork. YES I AM SICK OF YOU TOO LADY! I am sick of giving you $10 dollars every time I come in too! Thank God these women and my doctor are so nice or I'd be a very unhappy person right now.

I really really just want to be normal again. And I want my kids to be normal. And I want it to stop raining. And I WANT TO STOP COMPLAINING!

And I'd also like to be able to swim in our new pool. Thank you and good bye.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lots and lots and noooo money

Sucks. I think all this DIY watching is making me obsessed with remodeling this house. I know, I know. We've only been here for 4 months but I'm dying over here. Or really, dying to get the nasty smell of smoke that occasionally wafers through the house. And I keep thinking that's the reason that we all keep getting sick. I know it's stupid, and it's probably not the reason but seriously between me and the kids, one of us has been sick since January. I blame the nasty smoke lingering in the walls. I'm trying to really prioritize what needs to be FIXED rather than altered. We just ordered new windows to try to control the outrageous PG&E bill. We need a new pool pump for sure, but that can wait. I'm really hoping the pump blows up so that can be covered under our home warranty. I'm pretty sure I've said that before. So far, the exterior stucco seems to be the biggest issue because it's cracked and water damage is threatening to seriously screw up the house. But holy heck re stuccoing a house is expensive! So far, I'm just trying to get estimates and figure out a budget, etc.

And beside that, we have no money. Seriously. No money. Enough to pay the mortgage, and the bills and that's about it. Oh and food. Food is important. The kids seem to be eating like rabid beasts lately. I can't keep enough fruit in the house. And that stuff isn't cheap!

And we're waiting patiently for our tax return. Great. Let's see how long that takes...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

This would do the trick!

I just saw this commercial and seriously... if I had one of THESE I might actually run again. It's called the ProForm Performance 1450 treadmill. It's not just an ordinary treadmill, it has some crazy technical stuff, and this nutso incline cushion thingie! Just click the link and look at it yourself!!! It even has this crazy feature where you can pretend to jog through parks and stuff, like Golden Gate Park and stuff! Seriously!!! How cool would it be to trick your mind into thinking you are running through Central Park, or through some crazy beautiful countryside in Italy. Oh, my, amazing!!! I think my knees would love me again.

Of course that price, is outrageous, but DUDE!

I wonder if anyone would notice if I started going to Sports Authority every day in my workout gear... I should try.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Wasting time...

So we're all sick. AGAIN!!! Understand how annoying it is. As soon as one family member feels better, someone is getting sick. Tabs has an ear infection, pretty sure Avery does too, and Izzy has had a fever for almost 24 hours. And now I'm also feeling blah. Runny nose, head cold. Annoying. Seriously.

So since they are awake, I can't really nap. So I'm surfing the internet for ideas. I don't think I mentioned that I had this hideous wall of faux brick in my kitchen. Long story short, I got a bug up my butt and decided to take it off. It was so ugly! And in my quest to remove the hideous faux brick, I also totally destroyed the sheet rock. Which D had to replace, which his fabulous friend Mike had to re texture, and then paint, and thus I am not allowed to touch things anymore.

So now I have this lovely beautiful white wall. Awesome! Except I have no art for it! Boo! I have some wine items in the kitchen I was hoping to use, but then I found this fabulous website and found:

THIS fabulous picture!!! And there's more, here and here!!! Aren't they so fun?!?! It's still wine art, but with the cutest little modern, fun twist! I love them and they would be so cute on my wall! Of course I'd have to probably get rid of the boring standard wine art I have now, But whatever! I need something more fun to pep up the white walls! The colors are so pretty.

And now there's a kid whining for food... so my quest for wall art stops. For now.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Must I....

Why oh why is it so hard for me to sleep when D is at work? I'm sitting here watching a horribly disgusting KFC commercial thinking... ew. ew. ew. I could be sleeping. But I'm not! Must pull self off couch.

But first: Random thoughts!

We finally found a window company! Yipee! Did I mention how high our PG&E bill has been? Not to mention that it's arctic in our house! Combination crappy Montgomery Ward single pained windows meets 30 year old pool pump. One disaster waiting to happen. The pump is covered under warranty, so we're really hoping it blows up soon. But the windows, oh the lovely aluminum framed, condensation loving single pained beauties. Gosh, I hate them. D and I decided that would be the first thing we did when we got a little $$. Although we'll still have to finance a portion of it, our tax return will cover about half of the cost. PLUS, the window guys also do shutters, so we get shutters for the front two windows, and coverings for the kitchen all for the same price as two crazy other companies wanted just for the windows! SCORE! I am very happy. I can't wait to have dual insulation!

So in about 4-6 weeks we will have new windows. And then 2-3 weeks after that we will have our wonderful shutters in the front and honeycombs in the kitchen! Yay!

And hopefully... I won't feel like I live in a walk in fridge anymore.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

I want these... please and thank you.

So, trying to decorate D's "man cave" and looking for inspirations...

I want I want I want. It needs some major wall decorations. I'm trying to find stuff like shelves, and nick knack holders because I'm trying to integrate all his Star Wars stuff, Notre Dame stuff, and firefighter paraphernalia into one room. Challenge! Plus we have the computer in the cave so I had to buy a desk too. But my two favorite things are THESE:

PB Fire truck Canvas Print

It's HUGE! 80 inches by 33 inches high! LOVE! It's sorta vintage, but beautiful and I love that it's three canvas panels. It's really cool!

THIS ridiculously awesome concrete floor:

YES it's freaking STAINED concrete!!! I can't find the website I got the picture from but isn't it gorgeous? I tried to convince him to do this in the kitchen, but he says it would be too hard on my legs standing to cook for as long as I do. I can just buy one of those gel chef mats. It's SO pretty, and SOOOO durable!!!

I need to find some other stuff... I'm just getting started.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Marching for babies

So last year I walked my first ever 5k for Children's Hospital. I LOVED IT. And may I just mention, that I absolutely HATE running, so walking is fabulous, and way less pressure.

This year, I'm doing the March for Babies. A great cause for babies born premature. It's a 3 mile walk right on the trail near our house, and I'm hoping a few of my friends will be able to walk with me. It's always so nice to see how many people come out and do something for a good cause. It gives me warm fuzzies. So far I've raised $190 bucks, and the march isn't even until April! Woot!

Keep you posted on how it goes!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Special K challenge-ing

I spent the first 6 days of 2011 with gastroenteritis. (See post below) That was a lot of fun. Before the New Year, I had promised D that I would do the Special K challenge with him. see here It's 2 weeks of eating an array of Special K products like cereal, protein shakes and bars, and some snacky granola bar things. It's supposed to be a jump start to help us be more concious of what we put in our mouths. D's been a little less pleased with his waist line lately. Now mind you, I lost 8 pounds from the lovely illness at the beginning of the year so I was thinking... uhhh great. I really don't need to lose anymore pounds! I promised though, and I stick to my word. D is always up for a challenge so I figured motivating him to get a little healthier would help me eat better and maybe, just maybe... exercise! The HORROR!

So it's day 5 now. The first three days, I pretty much wanted to jump off a cliff! I think it was all the reading of my new Martha Stewart cupcake cook book, or my new Ina Garten cook book with all that delicious buttery goodness of food, that had me a little obsessed with the food that I'm not supposed to be eating. Then day 4 I caved and ate a brownie. Well, maybe 3 brownies. Because I had to. It was for my sanity. I felt a little guilty eating it in front of D because he's been doing SO good, but he just laughed at me. I'm sorry. I don't have will power for chocolate! Today was much better, although I snuck in a teeny tiny kit kat. I'm hoping tomorrow I don't sneak any sugar. I've still lost a whole pound already! D has lost 2. Yay!

We've only been to the gym once so far, but hopefully next week we'll do better. I realize that as I get older, my body needs a kick in the butt a little more. D too. So let's hope this works!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Not so pretty...

New Years Eve came and went. Happy New Year! We went to bed at 12:10. Heh. Lucky we stayed up til midnight.

I had a stomach ache. I felt like crap. And then at 5am I woke up with gut wrenching pain in my belly. That was Saturday. My birthday. Happy 31st. Now let's see how your toilet's working! We had planned to go out to dinner with a group of friends and then to see this hilarious comedian after. I thought for sure my stomach issues would subside and I would just take a nap and all would be well.

I missed my own birthday party. No joke. I couldn't even get up off the couch. I tried so hard. Thought for a minute I could. Even showered and did my hair. And then, went back to bed. What a crappy birthday. Seriously. I missed my OWN BIRTHDAY PARTY!

And sadly, everyone had fun! Boooo! I was hoping it would suck. Just kidding.

I'm just starting to feel better. Three days later. Worst illness ever. And I still don't know what the heck it is, or where it came from.

Here's to a redo!